Why do eyebrow slits anger the older generation of boomers and Gen X?
The generation born between 1981 and 1996 – have long been the target of criticism from Baby Boomers for complaining too much, taking too many vacation days, eating too much avocado toast and generally being unable to take responsibility for their own lives. In turn, Millennials blame the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1965, for virtually all of the ills of today’s society – their economic, political and environmental choices having created the bleak outlook we currently face. They and their younger Gen Z siblings (born between 1997 and 2012) hate the Baby Boomers with a ferocity never before seen. They believe the baby boomers left them a legacy of global warming, the worst housing market ever, exploding education costs, and economic instability.
Why are Gen X such bad parents?
Although this unnamed teacher no longer teaches many students with baby boomer parents, she recalled her past experiences with this generation of parents. the baby boomer parents she met were very invested in their children and their future, and generally listened and followed their advice. But as always, there’s also a downside.
“They know best…about everything,” she explained.
“Nothing is more frustrating than having someone totally inexperienced in your profession telling you how to do things,” she added.
“They’re the ones who get upset the easiest, and they’ll get BALLISTIC.”
In the teacher’s worst spat with a boomer parent, a police officer on the scene had to escort the enraged parents away after the teacher requested a parent-teacher conference with them.
Today, they are considered “lost” because they are caught between the baby boomers and the millennials. In the workplace, many companies are deciding to focus their policies on millennial workers. Prior to Gen Y, companies focused on their baby boomer employees, which means Gen Xers are typically overlooked in policy development and career opportunities.
Is anger an generational?
Anger often runs in families. People often remember their parents, grandparents and other extended family members as angry people. Many believe that it is a genetic condition. However, most experts agree that anger is a learned behavior, provided it is not due to bipolar disorder or another mental illness.
The family teaches the child to express feelings, such as joy, sadness, fear and even anger. If family members do not handle anger appropriately (frequent verbal and/or physical tantrums), the child may exhibit the same behaviour. Remember that the world deals with anger (and other emotions) in the same way as the family.
Remember that there are no ideal parents. This stems from the Transactional Analysis idea that each person’s parents have an imperfect way of parenting, which is passed on to the next generation. If a family has problems with anger management, it can be passed on from generation to generation. It is up to the individual to decide if their behaviors are helping or hurting the family, rather than perpetuating the same behavioral patterns because that is what they know.
What are Gen Xers known for?
Generation X refers to those born between the early to mid 1960s and 1980s. They are preceded by the Baby Boomers, who were born between 1943 and 1964, and followed by the Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000. Each generation has different personality traits as a result of major events in their childhood, and these traits influence how they act in the workplace.
Generation X, also known as Gen Xers, grew up with minimal adult supervision and therefore learned the value of independence and work-life balance. They also value informality, are tech-savvy, flexible and highly educated.
Where do Gen Xers live?
Generation X represents 19.9% of the U.S. population. Among major metropolitan areas, the highest percentage of Gen Xers is in Raleigh (22.9%). This is followed by San Jose (22.2%), Atlanta (22.1%) and Austin (21.9%). Other major metropolises with a high share of gen xers are Charlotte and San Francisco.
The large metropolises with the lowest percentage of gen xers are Tucson (17.1%), Buffalo (18.0%), and Rochester (18.0%). Pittsburgh, Oklahoma City, and Grand Rapids also have a low proportion of gen xers compared to the other major metropolitan areas.