A full treatment of the eyebrow tattoo and its healing process

Eyebrow tattooing is a permanent makeup, in which the skin is perforated and pigment is injected into the perforations. The tattooing is done to give the eyebrows the desired shape and color, to make their contours sharper.
Eyebrow tattooing gives the eyebrows the desired shape, density and color and improves the appearance of the face. It allows you to use fewer cosmetic products, which saves time. However, you must remember the nuances of the procedure, as well as the maintenance rules of eyebrow tattoo permanent makeup.
Eyebrow tattoo process how it works?
If you are confident in the sanitary condition of the chosen salon, the availability of workers certificates, allowing to perform tattooing, you can proceed to communicate with the master.
The main part of the procedure consists of the esthetician choosing the shape and shade of the eyebrows and then injecting the pigment manually or with a machine under the skin. The needles penetrate gently and superficially, the surface anesthesia excludes painful sensations. The tattoo does not fade with water, and fades slowly under the effect of ultraviolet light. The eyebrow tattoo permanent make-up implies a rupture of the integrity of the skin. The epidermis renews itself in one month after the pigment is introduced.
Classic eyebrow shapes include:
• arc-shaped;
• ascending;
• straight;
• bent;
• house;
• curved.
Preparatory phase
The make-up area is disinfected, the consumables are unpacked and the instruments are prepared. A superficial anesthetic is administered.
• preparation: the hair is removed under a medical disposable cap to expose the forehead area. The master opens the package with the tattoo needle in the presence of the client, i.e. you.
• Anesthesia: this is usually a cream. Loss of sensitivity occurs after 10-30 minutes (it is an individual figure)
• final choice of the form: the master draws the borders of the eyebrows at first with a washable marker, and then, when the form of the eyebrows is approved, with an indelible marker.
• filling with color according to one of the three techniques (hairline eyebrow tattooing (see photo above), shouting, combined technique). Drawing the eyebrows in color is repeated up to four times, until the desired color is obtained.
• removal of excess paint with an alcohol-free disinfecting solution.
• Treatment of the eyebrow tattoo area with an antibacterial healing agent.
The esthetician will determine the type of face and suggest the ideal contour based on the client’s external data. Curved eyebrows suit a round face and soften hard features. Straight eyebrows are suitable for an elongated face, making it more proportional, and eyebrows with a curve – for square and rectangular types.
For the male tattoo, at the stage of choosing the shape, there are no ready-made options, the outline is created by the beautician for each individual face.
The master draws the outline and chooses the color. If the client knows exactly what shape they want, they apply it themselves with a cosmetic pencil. This responsible step can take more time than the direct placement of the pigment under the skin. The client makes the final decision or requests that the lines be corrected. Unnecessary hair is removed.
The master performs hardware or manual coloring, injecting pigment into the top layer of the skin. The eyebrows are shaped one section at a time, one section at a time. The pigment application lasts about 40 minutes depending on the technique. The beautician may additionally apply an anesthetic compound several times in the course of the work.
Before completing the coloring, the client evaluates the intermediate result. The length and width of the eyebrows are finalized. The entire intervention area is disinfected again.
Can we make an eyebrow tattoo by ourselves ?
It is dangerous to perform the eyebrow tattoo procedure at home. Only professional salons observe the necessary sterility of the working space and equipment. It is physiologically uncomfortable to work with different parts of the face with one hand, it entails skin injuries.
Because of the lack of proper treatment of tools can occur infecting the zone of permanent paint. One of the common side effects of unprofessional intervention is an allergic reaction to low-quality dye. Even masters who know well how to do eyebrow tattooing and have experience in performing the procedure, turn to their colleagues for the service.
Eyebrow tattoo: for whom?
1. For those who, due to illness or injury, are completely or partially missing eyebrows;
2. For those who are not happy with their own eyebrows shape/thickness/color;
3. Those who want to save money on eyebrow cosmetics;
4. For those who don’t want to do eyebrow tattoo makeup every day;
5. For those who, due to the working conditions (humid, hot environment), conventional cosmetics are not suitable.
What is the difference between a tattoo and a tattoo
The difference between a tattoo and a tattoo is in the depth of the perforation and the ink. Unlike tattoos, in tattooing, the skin is pierced shallowly – 0.5 to 1 mm. Tattoo ink contains more vegetable pigments (making it less aggressive) and color stabilizers (making it more durable). Because the skin on the face is more exposed to sunlight, the regular pigment in tattoo paints burns off more quickly.
There are three methods of applying eyebrow tattoo permanent: the choice depends on the desire of the client and the state in which his eyebrows are.
Waxing technique
The technique is also called a mascara tattoo. Each hair is drawn by a specialist separately. The European variant of this technique involves parallel shading with lines of equal size. According to the Eastern or Asian method, hairs of different lengths and thicknesses are drawn more freely, imitating natural growth.
Powder brows
The pigment is applied in spots of the desired shape. This makes the eyebrows more dense, with a clear contour, as after the application of shadows or pencil. There are 3 ways of introducing the dye:
1. Shading – the contour is completely painted with the selected color. The pigment is applied layer by layer, gradually reaching the desired saturation. Some clients prefer this approach, although the result will not look natural.
2. Shadow pigment – the shape of the eyebrow is filled with the desired color, and the edges of the contour are shaded. Small scars, gaps in hair growth become invisible.
3. Volumetric eyebrows – several shades of pigment are used to achieve even more realism.
Manual tattooing (microblading)
It is performed by a cosmetologist manually, without a machine. The master makes incisions imitating hairs with a pen-manipulator, and implants the paint into the upper layer of the skin. This method is recommended by cosmetologists as a gentle: the swelling goes down quickly, the recovery period is shorter than with other types of tattoo.
However, microblading is considered the most difficult method, which requires a highly qualified cosmetologist. If performed carelessly, it can leave scars, and your own hair can partially fall out due to follicle damage.
How long does the tattoo procedure last
It’s individual. Depending on the amount of work – from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
What kind of eyebrow tattoo permanent is better
The choice of technique depends entirely on the initial data of the client. People with light hair, thin skin are recommended hair method, dark and dense eyebrows are appropriate to make dense, brightly outlined with the help of blend-in. Microblading is suitable for everyone, skin healing is faster, but the effect lasts up to 2 years. Other types of permant retain the original appearance for up to 5 years.
Often the methods are combined to achieve the desired result.
Who is not allowed to have the procedure
Eyebrow permant is prohibited in the following cases:
• presence of HIV, hepatitis C;
• the presence of diabetes mellitus;
• Blood clotting problems, temporary or permanent;
• Acute respiratory or respiratory diseases;
• acute mental illness;
• cancer;
• exacerbation of skin diseases;
• tendency to form keloid scars;
• lidocaine intolerance;
• If the client is under 18 years of age;
• high blood pressure;
• rheumatoid arthritis;
• prior chemotherapy.
You should stop drinking coffee, energy drinks and alcohol 3 days before your visit to the salon. During menstruation, breastfeeding the pain during the procedure is stronger.
how long does eyebrow tattoo last
Depending on the procedure, from six months to five years. But the pigment will never fully come off – correction or laser removal will be required.
eyebrow tattoo aftercare
Immediately after the procedure, swelling and redness are normal reactions to tissue damage. Once the anesthesia wears off, discomfort may occur. The blood released on the surface forms scabs that protect the skin from mechanical trauma and temperature changes. Healing occurs naturally under these scabs.
On the first day, the eyebrows should not be washed, but only wiped with a disinfectant lotion and healing ointments should be applied.
Just like after a tattoo, scabs will form on the puncture site after the eyebrow tattoo permanent procedure. They should not be removed under any circumstances, as this can affect the result: the color will be uneven.
As long as the scabs do not go down by themselves, it is not recommended to do sports, sunbathing, swimming in the pool, using cosmetic products in the tattoo area.
A few days later During the first week, it may seem that the pigment color is too bright, but as the skin gets used to this new state, it will change. At this point, inflammation and allergic reactions cannot be ruled out.
Even if it is not a tattoo, care must be taken in the first few weeks after the procedure, otherwise its appearance may change for the worse.
Do not touch the eyebrows until they are completely healed: rub with a washcloth, dye, scrape. Do not wipe the application site with any liquids for a week afterwards, except for disinfectants that do not contain alcohol. You should not go to the sauna, gym, because sweat corrodes the damaged tissue.
Comparison of results before and after
The purpose of eyebrow tattoo permanent coloring is to improve the appearance of the eyebrows. Regardless of which shape is chosen, the result should be evaluated according to the following criteria:
• the width and length are not more than desired;
• natural look;
• no spots, gaps;
• the contour is even, well guessed;
• the pigment has not acquired an unnatural shade;
• eyebrows are symmetrical.
In the photo you can see how the permanent eyebrow staining successfully performed by a beautician looks like.
Can tattooing be done by pregnant and nursing women
A separate point on which doctors do not agree. Some point to the possible harmfulness of the dye and anesthetic agent and the painfulness of the procedure, which can cause uterine tone and lead to miscarriage. Others think it is overcautious, but just in case, they still do not recommend doing tattooing in the first trimester of pregnancy.
In addition, due to hormonal malfunctions the dye may behave unpredictably – it will quickly fade or give an unexpected shade. In this case it is necessary to make laser correction.
eyebrow tattoo healing process
Normal swelling, redness and scabs disappear within two weeks. The final correction takes place one month after the first treatment. The master should check the result of the work to schedule a second visit. He will correct the contour, fill in the gaps, obtain the desired tone in different areas.
It is extremely important not to make any mistakes in the care of the tattooed area. Follow these step-by-step recommendations:
1. In the first 24 hours, the skin looks swollen and irritated. Droplets of lymph and blood are released, which you can gently blot with a tissue or cotton pad. Ask the master to recommend remedies to relieve these symptoms, so that the healing process is easier. Allergies and soreness may occur. If the discomfort is very uncomfortable, it is allowed to take an anesthetic. It is necessary to disinfect the tattoo with solutions without alcohol every 3 hours.
2. On the second day, the swelling subsides. The wounds dry out and crusts begin to appear. At this point, the eyebrows appear too dark due to the fact that the pigment is partially released with the bursa. Treatment with antiseptic and healing ointment is performed.
3. On the third day, when the eyebrows are completely crusted, you can wash gently without scrubs or washcloths. Damaged skin remains under the protection of crusts and is less vulnerable.
4. Up to the seventh day, the itching that accompanies proper healing will occur. Touching the forehead and eyes should still be avoided. Crusts begin to fall off, and if accidentally removed, wound formation should be treated with antiseptic.
5. In the second week, the skin recovers, it is allowed to start using cosmetics. Clear contours of the eyebrows emerge, it becomes visible how correctly pigmented the eyebrows are.
6. After the 14th day and up to 30th day, the eyebrow tattoo healing process is completed naturally, the color is completed and the contours are softer. All defects are corrected at the following correction.
Are eyebrow tattoos safe?
Tattooing is a relatively safe cosmetic manipulation, but if done improperly, without proper care, customers complain of side effects: here are some possible unfortunate consequences of tattooing
- Diabetes mellitus and other diseases with reduced blood clotting;
- asthma;
- oncology;
- epilepsy;
- HIV;
- predisposition to colloidal scars;
- In cases of herpes exacerbation, conjunctivitis, hypertension.
- Even the best eyebrow tattoo does not look natural;
- the tattoo fades with time;
- the operation is painful, despite the anesthesia;
- after the operation, re-education is necessary, followed by a correction;
- the perfect result is not guaranteed: a lot depends on the paint, on the professionalism of the master, on the hormonal context of the client;
- Like any clear line in the make-up, the tattoo ages.
- their own hairs stop growing (the follicles are damaged);
- inflammation returns, scabs appear ;
- the blood is contaminated by an infection ;
- the pigment changes color;
- Severe allergic reaction.
How long does the tattoo effect last
Under favorable circumstances, the brightness lasts for 5 years. The period depends on the combination of several conditions concerning the actions of the master and the client. The specialist must exclude the infection of the damaged skin during the introduction of paint, to advise suitable means for the healing, to give proper advice if an allergic reaction begins. In turn, the client should follow all the recommendations of the eyebrow specialist on the care of the tattoo.
Dye changes also affect how long eyebrow tattoo permanent lasts. Organic pigments fade faster than mineral dyes, but the latter can be of poor quality, giving an unnatural shade. Light tones will fade sooner than dark tones.
On the skin of a client with a high immune system and a fast metabolism, the dye degrades faster. Older women with dry, fading skin have a better chance of maintaining eyebrow tattoo makeup over the long term than younger women.
When to make a correction
One month after the procedure, you can judge the brightness, the correctness of the contours, and the uniformity of the color. If the result is not satisfactory, it is recommended to consult with the master to outline a plan for further action. Adding saturation, width or length is easier than removing excess.
After a year, the pigment will begin to lose its original tone and the beautician will conduct the first scheduled correction, if necessary.
eyebrow tattoo removal
Any tattoo can only be removed by laser. It can take more than a year to remove the paint, including eyebrow tattoo healing periods. Depending on the type of laser, the process is more or less painful. Bleeding, discomfort, itching, and recurrence of crusts are possible. Although the hairs will not be damaged by the laser, they may burn out.