This is undoubtedly one of the phrases I’ve heard the most in recent years, dealing with eyebrows. Yes why having thin and thin eyebrows is quite common and the causes can be different.
For example, you may have been born with very thick eyebrows, but years and years of “wild jerking”They have reduced your eyebrows to a tiny bit of sparse hair. Repeated stroking of the pencils can also weaken your brows and make them less full.
I know exactly what you feel: the eyebrows are the frame of your face and can radically modify its features. Finding yourself with eyebrows that don’t enhance you leads you to look bad in front of the mirror, to lose your self-esteem and to waste a lot of time on ineffective touch-ups with the pencil.
In this guide I want to explain to you how you can radically transform your browsso you can get the look you want and say goodbye to pencil forever.
Loss of eyebrows and weakened hair? What you need to know
The eyebrows have the magical power to give new harmony to the face. If the cadd eyebrows and the thinning of the hair test your patience, do not panic: cosmetics have made great strides and there is a super effective solution to get back the eyebrows you want.
Let’s see now the causes of eyebrow thinning and we understand how you can concretely act.
- The stress it is your worst enemy and is one of the most common causes of eyebrow dropping. This is because stress releases a substance in our body (cortisol), which among other things promotes hair and eyebrow loss.
- Thyroid problems. Sudden hormonal changes that occur in particular conditions, such as pregnancy and menopause, can weaken your brows.
- Do you suffer from forms of atopic, seborrheic dermatitis or eczema located right next to the eyebrows. In this case, I absolutely recommend that you contact an experienced dermatologist.
- Excess of hair removal. If, over the years, the beauticians you have contacted have gotten a little carried away with your eyebrows, it is likely that now you have a thinning hair. Too “integralist” and aggressive hair removal weaken the structure of the hair, especially in such a delicate area.
- Even the make-up it can have an impact on the structure of your brows. This is because the rubbing caused by the application of specific pencils and its removal can weaken the hair, if done for long periods.
Now let’s see how to revolutionize a thinned arch
The eyebrows are important for the harmony of the face.
Having a thin arch can affect your self-esteem and cause you to lose confidence in yourself.
But how can the problem be resolved definitively?
Dermopigmentation or microblading is an advanced aesthetic treatment that allows you to reconstruct or refine the eyebrow arch. Thanks to this technique, you can get a super natural effect, enhancing the features of your face and choosing the best shape and arch for your features.
With dermopigmentation or with the microblading technique:
- You can completely rebuild your arch, achieving a realistic effect.
- You forget about pencils forever. Only in this way can you have eyebrows that are always defined and symmetrical, without wasting time in front of the mirror.
- Get a tailor-made job.
The heart of dermopigmentation with my SOS eyebrow method is the study of your facial features. No “one size fits all”: shape, arch, thickness and color are chosen completely tailored for you.
How does the SOS Eyebrow method work?
In recent years I have seen hundreds of thinned out arches.
Yes, now you are surely thinking that I am biased because it is my job (and it is right), but there is something more that makes me happy: every time I rebuild an arch I see a happy woman recovering her self-esteem in front of me. at the mirror.
From this experience SOS Eyebrows was born, the only method that helps women get rid of the pencil, giving them the eyebrows they have always wanted and more self-confidence.
SOS Eyebrows is designed to act on issues like yoursthrough three phases:
- There diagnosis, in which I analyze the type of treatment most suitable for your skin type, the shape of the eyebrows and the color suitable for you. Together with the diagnosis, I carry out a sebum balancing facial treatment which is used to prepare the skin to receive the dermopigmentation treatment, which I will perform after a few weeks.
- A few days after the diagnosis (from 1 to 4 weeks) I will carry out the dermopigmentation treatment. This is because at home you will have to follow a beauty routine that I will give you and which will help prepare the skin to receive the dermopigmentation treatment. After this period the skin is ready and I will perform the realistic SOS Eyebrow dermopigmentation on you
- To keep the treatment in optimal conditions, we will continue with periodic check-ups and retouching sessions. Usually there are one to three retouching sessions each year. It all depends on how you treat the treatment, what type of skin you have and whether you have already performed other treatments. During advanced diagnosis Welcome SOS I will be able to tell you exactly how many touch ups you will need to do over the course of the year.