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Eyebrow hair removal

  • How to get hot eyebrow wax off floor?

    When eyebrow wax comes into contact with the warmth of your skin, it softens. It gets firm again after being applied to your eyebrow and sticks to undesirable facial hair. When wax gets caught on…

  • What kind of hair removal for eyebrows?

    Razor, hot or cold wax, depilatory cream or electric depilator, all products are not necessarily good for eyebrow hair removal. Tips and products, Inebra gives you all the right gestures for eyebrow hair removal. Like…

  • Eyebrow threading shapes before and after

    The eyebrow threading method is popular because of its simplicity and effectiveness. It can be used to give your eyebrows the shape you want without having to go to a beauty salon. Threading is called…

  • Mistakes In Eyebrow Hair Removal: 10 Bad Habits To Abandon Immediately

    Eyebrow shaving would seem to be a rather basic task for a beauty addict. Yet, even the most experienced can fall into real “beginner’s mistakes.” Not for nothing, it remains one of the most popular…

  • Plucking eyebrows with thread and thread technique

    Everything You Need to Know About Eyebrow Threading: You probably came across the thread technique because you have to struggle with pain and redness when plucking eyebrows with tweezers. This is exactly what you will…

  • Eyebrow waxing mistakes: 10 bad habits to stop now

    There eyebrow hair removal it would seem a pretty basic operation for one beauty addict. Yet, even the most experienced can fall into real “beginner’s mistakes” . Not for nothing, it remains one of the…

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