Eyebrow health
How to reduce swelling by eyebrow?
Swelling around the eyebrows can be a common concern, whether it’s due to an injury, allergic reaction, or other factors. Not only can eyebrow swelling be uncomfortable, but it can also affect your appearance and…
6 Secrets of Awesome Eyebrow Care
Dreaming of a beautiful eyebrow shape, but the result after a visit to the master does not last long? Don’t know how to “reanimate” the hairs after a long plucking? We’ll tell you how to…
Why do I have a dark spot under each of my eyebrow?
It is not uncommon to encounter a problem such as the formation of dark spots under each of the eyebrows, which is very worrying, especially for women who want to look young and elegan Dark…
Raising one eyebrow genetic
That’s the amount, she says, that can curl and or roll the tongue. … However, “the ability to form a clover leaf tongue is an inherited trait.” Raise one eyebrow. Turns out, most of us…
Eyebrow lift
Sunken eyebrows and eyelids can make the eyes look tired and exhausted, and sagging skin makes the face look older. If the area around the eyes is particularly affected, an eyebrow lift can have significant…
Eyebrows didn’t grow back after chemo?
In particular, when people are having combined chemotherapy regimes. This is normal and in our experience, does not effect the new hair growth. It would not be unusual for it to take three to six…