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Eyebrow guide

  • How to choose the right shade of eyebrows for blondes?

    Blondes are always more eye-catching than other hair colors. But not everyone knows that having blond hair is expensive. After all, curly blondes not only need proper care, but also require the right image. Makeup…

  • Do you have thinning eyebrows? Here’s a DEFINITIVE remedy [WITH PHOTOS].

    This is undoubtedly one of the phrases I’ve heard the most in recent years, dealing with eyebrows. Yes why having thin and thin eyebrows is quite common and the causes can be different. For example,…

  • What is the meaning of raising an eyebrow?

    Raising the eyebrows (or just one eyebrow) corresponds to a friendly greeting signal when the action is short-lived (eyebrow flash); if the eyebrows remain raised for longer this indicates surprise, fear, perplexity; Winking indicates complicity.…

  • Find out more about the brow lift with botox

    Brow lift botox is a popular cosmetic procedure that can be used to correct the eyebrow line and give it a more regular shape. This effect is achieved through injections of botulinum toxin. But Botox,…

  • Who does eyebrow tinting?

    An eyebrow specialist is a specialist who takes care of the eyebrows, their design, as well as modeling. This specialist selects the optimal shape and shade of eyebrows, taking into account the specific shape and…

  • All about Eyebrow concealer types and features methods of application

    Eyebrow concealer can be found on the shelves of every cosmetic store. What are the different types of concealers and how to choose the right one. Instructions for using and shaping eyebrows. With the help…

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