Eyebrow lift? A brow lift may prove to be the most effective solution.

There is no doubt: the eyebrows are very important in making the lines of the face proportionate, because they balance the features and expressions of the face.
They are the frame of our eyes and therefore must be in complete harmony with them.
Their formtheirs thickness and their height can drastically affect the proportions and volumes of our face, limiting the potential of our gaze, which will thus appear turned off, tired out And sad.
Unfortunately, after the age of 40, the perfect shape of the eyebrow arch gradually disappears: the eyebrows lower, sliding close to the upper eyelids, with the consequent appearance of the heavy eyelid.
In short, at any moment we begin to feel old.
But why is all this happening?
Domino effect: the sagging of the eyebrow and upper eyelids
Over the years, the skin loses tone and elasticity and, pushed by the force of gravity, it yields.
You can understand how each element of the gaze is connected and dependent on each other: when the first one fails, a “domino” effect is activated which inexorably drags the rest.
Thus, our brows and upper lids will appear substantially lower and “aged”, deprived of their volume And tone natural.
Their failure, then, will also compromise the opening of our gaze.
At this point, the liveliness that our eyes showed to the whole world every day will vanish completely.
But is there a solution? And if so, who is able to provide it to us?
We have already talked about it in the previous article: there are various ways to solve the sagging of the eyebrow, all provided by oculoplasty, such as treatments with fillers based on hyaluronic acid or le botulinum injectionsbut it is undoubtedly the eyebrow lift the most effective surgery.
How to raise the eyebrow: the lifting surgery
Normally, the natural position of the eyebrows is located above the upper edge of the orbital cavity: by placing your finger on the bone margin you can realize how far your eyebrows have dropped.
Now, proceed with a slight pressure and pull up: you will see that your eyebrow will return to its natural position and your eyes will seem larger: that is their natural opening.
This is, broadly speaking, the goal of eyebrow lifting: to reopen your gaze.
Basically, an incision is made either in the hairline or just above the eyebrow in order to lift it into the correct position.
The eyebrow will thus regain its natural shape.
As a result, the lateral folds of the eye will also return to their place and the upper eyelid will be slimmer and lighter.
The result?
A more serene and vital look.
To find out more, you just have to visit the dedicated section of the site or contact us directly.