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Eyebrow Reviews

  • 14 Best Eyebrow Ruler and How to Choose the Right Eyebrow Ruler

    Before you decide on the functions of eyebrow ruler, you need to understand what the eyebrow ruler is. This is a flexible transparent lining with divisions (millimeters, centimeters), made of polymer material. This auxiliary tool…

  • Eyebrow up and down meaning

    When we see people we know, we often give a quick up-down flash of the eyebrows in recognition and greeting. Rapid and repeated up and down movement may be an exaggeration signal, meaning “Well how…

  • Why do men’s eyebrows get bushier with age, women’s do not?

    Some older men’s huge eyebrows, extended ear hair, and thick sniffing locks seem to never stop growing. While many men lose their hair on the top of their heads, the hairs on their eyebrows, ears,…


    A universal tool, you can finish missing, just add a shade, and the gel is also a great fixer For a long time I’ve been looking at unusual video reviews on YouTube, in which video…

  • Once and for all: which eyebrow pencil is right for you?

    Hi girls, today we are going to try to put some clarity on a topic that is well known to us. That’s right, we are talking about which eyebrow pencil to choose. In this article…

  • Brow architecture: what is it?

    Let’s enrich our beauty vocabulary and understand what eyebrow architecture is and why it’s needed. What is eyebrow architecture? Brow architecture is the process of creating a harmonious eyebrow shape using different techniques and means.…

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