Fill in eyebrows: These are the tricks and Tips That Will Change Your Life Real Quick

To fill in eyebrows perfectly, all you need are a few tips, the right tool and a little practice. Then your eye make-up is guaranteed to be an eye-catcher. the permanent eyebrow make-up technique impresses us with its natural result. For this reason, more and more women are choosing to fill in eyebrows.
Eyebrows are an important asset in the structure and expression of the face. The shape of the curve, the arch and the curve are multiple. So many good reasons to let a specialist take care of them. fill in missing eyebrows, ill-defined or too low eyebrows can give a tired look and an appearance of premature aging, hence the importance of eyebrows filling.
Rather than putting on eyebrow makeup every morning, why not opt for eyebrows filling, a semi-permanent makeup technique with a long-lasting, natural-looking result? We tell you everything.
What is eyebrow filling?
First of all, it is a permanent eyebrow make-up procedure. For this reason it can also be called eyebrows a pigmentation effect eyebrow make-up. It follows the line of the eyebrows while applying the pigment in a more pronounced way, it gives a more natural powdered effect than a classic eyebrow tattoo.
Who can practice this eyebrow filling technique?
Eyebrow filling can be practiced by beauticians with a rich experience in this field. A good book made by your beautician can help you make the right choice.So that everyone who wishes to practice can master the procedure.
This technique can be called eyebrow embroidery.
This technique fills the empty spaces in the eyebrow area to give them a full and flawless appearance. It always takes you a lot of time to draw a perfect brow, this technique is going to save you a lot of time in the preparation of the make-up and will give you the perfect look 24 hours a day because the embroidery of eyebrows is your best choice.
The right eyebrow design gives an amazing shape, extra definition for a younger look and/or simply to enhance existing eyebrows by adding more volume, definition or the desired shape.
Eyebrow embroidery can easily be done on anyone but is usually popular with people whose eyebrows are sparsely browed, who have bald spots on their eyebrows and especially with overly plucked eyebrows that eventually stop growing back. Eyebrow embroidery may therefore be the solution for you.
How long does eyebrow filling last?
The duration of eyebrow filling is about 8 months to 1 year. For an optimal result, it is essential to do touch-ups 15 days after the first service. Without touch-ups, the effect will simply fade away.
How to fill in eyebrows ?
Fill in eyebrows: Choose the right shade
When choosing the right shade to fill in eyebrows, you should always be guided by your hair color. You can also choose a slightly darker shade. However, the colour should not be lighter than your hair – otherwise the eyebrows will fade too much. The classic among the make-up utensils with which you can repaint your eyebrows is certainly the eyebrow pencil. But for a particularly natural result you can also use an eyebrow gel or eyebrow powder. More about this in a moment.
Tips for filling in eyebrows
It is best to pluck the eyebrows before you start eyebrows filling. This way you can remove hairs that change the desired shape of the eyebrows. The most natural result is obtained by following the given shape and not changing it too much. Never pluck out too many hairs. The eyebrow should start above the inner corner of the eye and extend slightly beyond the outer corner. Here we tell you how you can shape perfectly shaped eyebrows yourself in 4 steps.
Comb the hairs into shape with a special eyebrow brush and then start applying the colour. When you repaint your eyebrows, start at the root of the nose and apply the colour towards the temples. Always make small, fine strokes that resemble your own hairs. This way the eyebrows look more natural than if you apply Eyebrow Pencil flat.
Filling and restore eyebrows: how to do it and which products to use
guide for perfect eyebrows
Eyebrow Geometry
I don’t want to go into professional technical details but it is essential to tell you something about the geometry of the eyebrow, to be able to redesign it at its best.
Each face has a different shape of eyebrow, influenced by various morphological elements, however, the goal of each face is to get an eyebrow that is correct for shape, inclination and length, so you can create harmony with the rest of the face.
The eyebrow is divided into 3 main parts:
-fireinging treatment (from 1 to 2)
-discendenting treatment (2 to 3)
-angle (2)
The general rules:
1) The angle must always be higher than the ascending and descending section.
2) The descending section must not be longer than the ascending section.
3) The thickness of the eyebrow must be at its maximum from the beginning of the nose until it decreases towards the end of the eye.
Clearly it is preferable to start from a shape already preset correctly in order to redraw or fill them in the best way, so a good draft is created with the help of epilation. Once the shape has been created correctly we can proceed with the filling.
One of the advice I feel I give you most is not to alter too much the natural shape of your eyebrows, otherwise the final result will inevitably be fake and unnatural.
Also do not fixate on the symmetry factor between the 2 eyebrows because they will never be identical!
Filling eyebrow or Restore
-To determine from should begin the eyebrow, we can take a pencil (or brush) and place it next to the underside of the nose to form a vertical line across the forehead, point A will be the beginning of the eyebrow.
-To determine the angle (the highest point), always with the pencil side by side with the nose, we create an imaginary line passing by the pupil, point B will be our angle.
-To determine the end of the eyebrow, with the pencil we connect the lower part of the nose with the end of the eye. Point C will be the final part.
Once we have determined the construction points, we will simply fill in the empty spaces, which can be more or less present.
Filling eyebrow
If it is a filler, we can simply colour in the empty spaces and blur the product as we go, so as not to obtain a very heavy and artifact effect. After filling the holes, we go to define the eyebrow with an illuminating concealer and a flat bristle brush, which will do a job of cleaning the contours. Alternatively we can use a flesh colored pencil. In any case the product should be blurred so as not to leave clean lines.
Restore eyebrows
If what we are going to do is a reconstruction, it is of fundamental importance to opt for waterproof products, to avoid the risk of finding yourself without eyebrows at the end of the day. In this case we will go first to draw the contours, joining the various references previously determined and then we will proceed with the internal eyebrows filling, which in this case is almost glabrous, will be done with the technique of the fur coat, i.e. drawing small strokes that will simulate the hair
The right tools to fill in eyebrows
There are many different eyebrow products that are not necessarily suitable for everyone. Which type of eyebrow filler fits best depends mainly on hair and skin color, hair fullness and shape.
Eyebrow pencil
The big advantage of a (well sharpened) eyebrow pencil: With it, hairs can be traced very precisely. So if you have few hairs of your own and want to make your eyebrows appear a little thicker, the eyebrow pencil is the best choice. It is important that the colour is right and that you draw the hairs very thinly so that no “bars” are created.
Eyebrow powder
The packaging is often confused with eye shadow, because the eyebrow powder usually comes in two shades of brown in one pallet. The powder is best suited for thin and light eyebrows. A small, rough brush is used to apply the powder, which is usually included in the palette. Although the powder does not allow you to trace precise hairs, it does provide a nice base for the skin under the hairs. Apply a little powder first to test how intense the colour looks on your eyebrows, then intensify the colour as desired.
Eyebrow Gel
A gel is especially suitable for eyebrows with many hairs, which like to stand in all directions. The gel fixes the hairs and gives them a beautiful shape – like a hair spray for the eyebrows. To colour the eyebrows completely, it is better to use other products. With the gel you should only shape the hairs and refresh the contours at most.
Colored mascara for eyebrows
It looks like a real mascara and is used simply by passing the brush where we want to give volume and fullness. Like the powders, the mascara is also suitable for those who want to make a quick filling of the eyebrow already well formed, or you can use it as a final step after redesigning the eyebrows with a brow pomade.
Corrective pencil
As a last step, it is always recommended to clean the contours, we can do it with a concealer, or with an illuminating corrective pencil.
The techniques and products to be used must vary according to the eyebrow to be treated and when it is to be treated. As far as eyebrows are concerned, it is important to experiment and find the right combination of products that will satisfy us in the final result.
The result of eyebrow filling
The result is a hyper-natural effect and perfectly adapted to the structure of your face. You will have a perfect eyebrow shape, which harmonizes your look. For this we can say that permanent eyebrow makeup is the solution to be up to date with the makeup trends. Finally, to fill in eyebrows are part of the current best practices in permanent makeup.
Personally I like to vary techniques and products to be used according to the eyebrow I have to treat and also according to the timing. When it comes to eyebrows it is important to experiment and find the right combination of products that can satisfy us in the final result.
Take the time to check the professionalism of the centre that provides these services and the quality of the products used there. Minutity and precision are also essential to obtain the dream result that this technique promises.