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Eyebrow slits

How do you hide eyebrow slits?

Having eyebrow slits, also known as eyebrow cuts or notches, can be a unique and edgy style statement. However, there may be times when you want to conceal them for a more natural look or to experiment with different eyebrow shapes. In this article, we will explore various techniques and tips on how to hide eyebrow slits effectively.

Understanding Eyebrow Slits

Eyebrow slits are intentional cuts or shaved notches created in the eyebrows to create a distinct look. They gained popularity in the ’90s hip-hop culture and have made a comeback in recent years as a trendy fashion choice. While some individuals embrace and proudly display their eyebrow slits, others may prefer to conceal them on certain occasions.


Choosing the Right Products

To hide eyebrow slits, it’s essential to have the right products in your makeup kit. Here are some recommended options:

Eyebrow Pencils: Opt for an eyebrow pencil that matches the color of your natural eyebrows. Use short, light strokes to fill in the slit area, mimicking the texture and direction of your eyebrow hairs.

Concealers: A concealer that matches your skin tone can help cover the eyebrow slits effectively. Apply a small amount of concealer on a precise brush and gently blend it over the slits, ensuring a seamless transition with the surrounding skin.

Techniques to Hide Eyebrow Slits

Now that you have the right products, let’s explore some techniques to hide your eyebrow slits:

Overdrawing Technique: This technique involves using an eyebrow pencil or pomade to create a fuller brow shape that covers the slits. Start by outlining the desired brow shape slightly outside your natural brows, making sure to include the slit area. Then, fill in the brows using short, light strokes, paying extra attention to the slits.

Blending Technique: The blending technique focuses on seamlessly blending the slits with the rest of your eyebrows for a natural appearance. Use an eyebrow pencil or pomade to fill in your brows, ensuring that the color and texture match your natural brow hairs. Blend the product over the slits, gently smudging it to soften any harsh lines.

Concealing Technique: If you prefer a more subtle approach, the concealing technique can help minimize the appearance of eyebrow slits. Apply a thin layer of concealer over the slits, blending it carefully to match your skin tone. Make sure to set the concealer with a translucent powder to prevent smudging throughout the day.

Additional Tips and Considerations

To achieve the best results when hiding your eyebrow slits, consider the following tips:

Practice Makes Perfect: Experiment with different techniques and products to find what works best for you. Practice the application process to refine your skills and achieve a more natural look.

Choose Quality Products: Invest in high-quality eyebrow pencils, pomades, and concealers to ensure better pigmentation, longevity, and a more seamless finish.

Blend for a Natural Look: Blending is key to achieving a natural appearance when covering eyebrow slits. Use a spoolie brush or a clean mascara wand to blend the product evenly through your eyebrows.

Avoid Overfilling: Be cautious not to overfill or create eyebrows that look too thick. It’s essential to maintain a balance between hiding the slits and maintaining a natural-looking eyebrow shape.

Seek Professional Help: If you’re unsure about the best techniques or products to use, consider consulting a professional makeup artist or esthetician. They can provide personalized advice and even demonstrate the application process for hiding eyebrow slits.

Consider Temporary Solutions: If you only want to hide your eyebrow slits temporarily for a specific event or occasion, you can explore temporary options such as eyebrow waxes, gels, or even adhesive eyebrow prosthetics. These solutions offer a quick and temporary way to conceal the slits without affecting your natural brows.

Take Care of Your Eyebrows: Regardless of whether you choose to hide or showcase your eyebrow slits, it’s important to maintain the overall health and appearance of your eyebrows. Regularly groom and shape your eyebrows, and nourish them with eyebrow serums or oils to promote healthy growth.

Embrace Your Unique Features: While it’s fun and exciting to experiment with different looks, it’s equally important to embrace and celebrate your unique features, including your eyebrow slits. They can be a part of your personal style and contribute to your individuality. Remember that beauty comes in many forms, and self-confidence is key.


Hiding eyebrow slits is achievable with the right techniques and products. By using eyebrow pencils, pomades, and concealers, along with various application techniques such as overdrawing, blending, and concealing, you can effectively conceal your eyebrow slits for a more natural look. Remember to practice, choose quality products, and blend carefully to achieve the best results. However, always embrace and celebrate your unique features as they contribute to your individuality and personal style.

How To fake Slit Eyebrows in 2 Mins?

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to hide eyebrow slits using makeup?

The time it takes to hide eyebrow slits using makeup can vary depending on your skill level and the techniques you use. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to around 10-15 minutes. The key is to practice and become comfortable with the application process. With experience, you’ll likely become quicker at achieving a natural-looking result. It’s important to allocate enough time to ensure proper blending and symmetry, especially if you’re new to hiding eyebrow slits.

2. Can I use regular concealer to hide my eyebrow slits?

Yes, you can use regular concealer to hide your eyebrow slits. However, it’s essential to choose a concealer that matches your skin tone closely for a seamless blend. Regular concealers with good coverage can effectively camouflage the slits. Opt for a creamy formula that is easy to blend and provides long-lasting coverage. Remember to set the concealer with a translucent powder to prevent smudging and ensure it stays in place throughout the day.

3. Are there any long-lasting solutions to hide eyebrow slits?

Yes, there are long-lasting solutions to hide eyebrow slits. One option is using semi-permanent eyebrow makeup, such as microblading or eyebrow tattooing. These techniques involve depositing pigments into the skin to create natural-looking eyebrows, covering the slits effectively. Microblading creates hair-like strokes, while eyebrow tattooing involves a more traditional tattooing approach. It’s important to consult with a skilled and experienced professional to ensure the best results and proper aftercare.

4. Can I hide eyebrow slits without using makeup?

Yes, you can hide eyebrow slits without using makeup. One option is to grow out your eyebrows and allow the natural hair to cover the slits. This may take time, but it can be a more natural and low-maintenance approach. Alternatively, you can consider using eyebrow styling products, such as eyebrow gels or waxes, to brush and shape your brows in a way that minimizes the visibility of the slits. These products can help create a fuller appearance and hold the hair in place.

5. Will hiding eyebrow slits damage my natural eyebrows?

When done correctly and with proper care, hiding eyebrow slits using makeup or temporary solutions should not damage your natural eyebrows. It’s important to choose high-quality products and avoid excessive tugging or pulling on the eyebrow hairs. Make sure to remove makeup gently and thoroughly to prevent any potential damage. If you’re considering more permanent solutions like microblading or eyebrow tattooing, it’s crucial to choose a reputable professional who follows proper hygiene and safety protocols.

6. Can I swim or exercise while hiding my eyebrow slits?

Yes, you can swim or exercise while hiding your eyebrow slits. However, it’s important to choose waterproof or long-lasting products to ensure they stay in place. Opt for smudge-proof eyebrow pencils or pomades and set the makeup with a waterproof brow gel or a setting spray. These products will help maintain the appearance of your concealed slits even during physical activities or when exposed to water. Just remember to avoid touching or rubbing your eyebrows excessively to prevent smudging.

7. Will hiding my eyebrow slits completely erase their appearance?

Hiding your eyebrow slits using makeup or other techniques can significantly reduce their visibility, but it may not completely erase their appearance. The goal is to create a natural-looking brow shape that minimizes the focus on the slits. While the slits may still be faintly visible up close, they will be less noticeable from a distance or in everyday situations. It’s important to have realistic expectations and embrace the fact that completely erasing the appearance of eyebrow slits may not be achievable. Remember that the uniqueness of your features, including the slits, contributes to your individuality and personal style.

8. Can I use eyebrow extensions to hide my eyebrow slits?

Yes, eyebrow extensions can be used to hide eyebrow slits. Eyebrow extensions are similar to eyelash extensions, where individual synthetic hairs are applied to the brows using a semi-permanent adhesive. This technique can create a fuller and more uniform look, effectively covering the slits. It’s important to have eyebrow extensions applied by a professional who specializes in this service to ensure proper placement and a natural result. Keep in mind that eyebrow extensions will require maintenance and periodic touch-ups to maintain their appearance.

9. Are there any natural remedies to help reduce the appearance of eyebrow slits?

While there are no specific natural remedies to reduce the appearance of eyebrow slits, there are general practices that can promote overall eyebrow health. Maintaining a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E and biotin, can support hair growth and improve the condition of your eyebrows. Additionally, regularly moisturizing your eyebrows with natural oils, like castor oil or coconut oil, can help keep them hydrated and nourished. While these practices may not directly reduce the visibility of the slits, they can contribute to the overall health and appearance of your eyebrows.

10. Should I consult a professional for help in hiding my eyebrow slits?

Consulting a professional can be beneficial if you’re unsure about the best techniques or products to use, or if you’re considering more permanent solutions like microblading or eyebrow tattooing. A professional makeup artist or esthetician can provide personalized advice based on your unique features and preferences. They can guide you through the process, demonstrate the application techniques, and recommend suitable products. Additionally, for semi-permanent solutions, it’s crucial to choose a skilled and reputable professional who follows proper hygiene and safety protocols to ensure the best results and minimize any potential risks.

Remember, while hiding your eyebrow slits can be fun and provide versatility in your appearance, it’s important to embrace and celebrate your unique features. Whether you choose to showcase or conceal your slits, confidence and self-acceptance are key to feeling beautiful and comfortable in your own skin.

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