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How much is eyebrow microblading in the philippines?

What is the price of microblading? Professional brow artists in the Philippines charge between Php20,000 and Php25,000 for the procedure. Depending on the type of brows you want, some clinics might charge up to Php80,000.


How much does microblading eyebrows cost Philippines?

What is the price of microblading? Where you receive the therapy will also affect how much it costs, although in the Philippines, prices range from P10,000 to P80,000.

How much is 6D microblading in Philippines?

In April, the salon is running a promotion that will reduce the cost of its 6D microblading and ombré shading to just P6,500 each.

How much is tattoo eyebrows in Philippines?

Professional brow artists in the Philippines charge between Php20,000 and Php25,000 for the procedure. Depending on the type of brows you want, some clinics might charge up to Php80,000.

How much does microblading eyebrows cost?

In general, you can anticipate paying (on average) between $400 and $600 for a microblading session. It’s important to note that prices far lower than this may be an indication of poor quality, so be careful to conduct your homework. This range is very stable across the United States.

How much does microblading cost?

The average fee is $400, but it can cost up to $2000, and most appointments demand a nonrefundable deposit.

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