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How to do eyebrow slits with concealer?

Add concealer to the brow’s outer margins using a shade that complements your skin tone. Make sure there are no visible margins of makeup-free skin around your eyebrows by blending the concealer into your face. By using concealer, you can make the color of your eyebrow slits match the skin tone around them.

Fake Eyebrow Slit using Concealer

How to do eyebrows slit with concealer?


How do you slit your eyebrows with concealer?

Your eyebrows will instantly take on shape and definition if you use a brush to apply a little coating of concealer under them and then delicately blend it in with your finger. To draw a line directly under the brow, use a small, angled brush. To make the line less obvious, use a flatter concealer brush.

Why do you put concealer around your eyebrows?

Without pulling out a single stray hair, using concealer around your brows is a terrific method to define, shape, and enhance your brows. Here is a step-by-step tutorial to help you perfectly define your brows.

How do you do eyebrow slits at home?

Start by using a spoolie to groom your brows. Next, pick where you want the cut to be made and mark the location by placing two tape pieces over your brow. Use a facial razor or electric trimmer slowly, steadily, and in little strokes to cut the slit.

Can you conceal your eyebrows with foundation?

To balance the color of your brows, apply a thin layer of a full-coverage concealer. If required, use a second coat to completely hide your brows. A substantial foundation can also be used for the task.

Can I put concealer on my eyelids?

Never use foundation or concealer as a basis on your eyelids; doing so will make your eye makeup crease.

Why does my concealer look patchy and dry?

Either your skin is too dry, oily, or the wrong concealer formula was chosen for you. Occasionally, concealer that has beyond its expiration date may separate and perform poorly on the skin. Close-up shots of concealer can make it appear flaky, especially at the end of the day.

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