how to fix the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil?

Since ancient times, every woman has tried to be beautiful. After all, this desire does not require any special sacrifice, you just need to regularly clean up your face and body.
Human beauty consists of small components: a beautiful smile, carefully combed hair, gentle and smooth skin without any flaws and long eyelashes that emphasize the eyes and make them bigger. But all this beauty can be spoiled only by the raw eyebrows.
Usually, doing makeup, women forget about the care of the eyebrows, thinking that it is not so important. But it doesn’t take much time or effort to get your eyebrows into shape.
Knowing a few simple rules, any woman can be even prettier.
What eyebrow shape is the best – arc or house?
A long time ago, women plucked their eyebrows completely and then drew them in black pencil. But fortunately, that time is long gone. In today’s world, such “beauty” looks ugly and unnatural. In our time, naturalness is in fashion. But this does not mean that the growth of the eyebrows should be let go and not care for them. With the help of tweezers can change the shape of the eyebrows, if it does not like their owner or does not look like her.
There are several basic forms of eyebrows, each of which fits a certain shape of face and type of appearance.
Eyebrows arc
Eyebrows arched – one of the most popular types of eyebrows, they are suitable for almost all women. By the way, this type of eyebrows is often sung in folk songs.
Eyebrow House
Eyebrow House is also a popular type of eyebrows, which attracts everyone thanks to the bend in the center of the eyebrow. This shape of eyebrows is suitable for women with round face. They visually make the cheeks and chin thinner. The main thing is not to overdo the bend.
The right eyebrow pencil choice
Once you have decided on the shape of the eyebrows, you need to buy yourself a tweezers and a special eyebrow pencil to correct.
Choosing tweezers will not be difficult. But with the purchase of a eyebrow pencil it’s not that simple. Before buying, you need to view at least a few options to determine exactly the right color and shade.
Eyebrow Pencil Color
Everybody used to buy themselves a black eyebrow pencil, thinking it was suitable for everyone. But now you can choose any color.
A black eyebrow pencil can suit anyone with black hair or just dark hair. If your hair is brown or red, you should choose an eyebrow pencil in the same color. For blondes, it is advisable to choose a beige eyebrow pencil.
You should not highlight your eyebrows and make them brighter – it will make them unnatural. It is possible to make eyebrows slightly darker than hair.
Correct use of an eyebrow pencil
Before using an eyebrow pencil, you must sharpen it well, that it was sharp. It must also be hard.
Next, it is necessary to apply thin strokes like on the hairs of the eyebrow. The main thing to try not to draw large and thick lines – they make the eyebrows less natural. Drawing thin strokes, you need to fill in the empty places – those where the hairs do not grow. Thus it is possible to give the eyebrows more volume, to lengthen them. Thanks to eyebrow pencil, the eyebrows will get a rich color.
After the drawing is over, the eyebrows should be combed with a special brush. Often such a brush is on the cap of the eyebrow pencil. Then you can invite the hair with a transparent ink or special wax.
With this make-up eyebrows can give your image of grooming and even more beauty. The main thing is not to make them too thin or bright.