How to Grow Quicker and Thicker Eyebrows: After you do These Ways

Not all of us have thick eyebrows by nature. If the eyebrows grow thin and rare, it will be more difficult to correct this situation, especially if you are often carried away by tweezers. But not everything is lost! A little effort and the right tools will help you cope with this task.
How to Grow Eyebrows Thicker naturally
The thick natural eyebrows have been in fashion for several seasons in a row, and it seems that this trend is not going to give up its positions. And if this form is not your business card? Do you want to grow eyebrows like Natalia Vodianova or Cara Delevin? We’re talking about how to do it.
Why do eyebrows grow slowly or stop growing at all?
Secretary Verochka in the movie “The Service Novel” recommended that the eyebrows be corrected by a raider. By the way, in the Soviet period, it was this operation that became the main reason for the rare eyebrows. Nowadays, there are other, less radical ways.
- Frequent plucking. Regular use of tweezers weakens and over time destroys the hair follicles: hairs begin to grow slower, each time they become more transparent and thinner.
- Tattoo. The use of poor-quality pigment or gross mistakes in tattooing technology leads to disruption of the hair follicles.
- Doubtful coloring. Homemade dyeing with poor quality and aggressive pigments can literally burn out the follicles, which will eventually recover, but the hairs will grow very slowly.
- Demodecosis. If the eyebrows look like bushes with prolapses, it may indicate demodecosis – infection with a subcutaneous mite. The malignant microorganism is most often hidden in the follicles of the eyelashes, but when activated, it goes over the eyebrows. The hairs acquire ugly white plaque and become brittle. Identify the problem and cope with it will help the dermatologist.
- Age-related changes. After 40 years, even sable eyebrows recede and lose their bright pigment.
How to stimulate eyebrow growth
Put off the tweezers for a while and let your eyebrows grow. Until they reach the right thickness, tame their disposition and tidy up better with a variety of waxes, gels and fixing pencils. And for hairs to grow faster, focus on caring.
Put on the nourishing oil
In addition to cosmetics and pharmacy products, eyebrow growth can also be stimulated with the help of various essential oils.
Castor oil affects hair follicles, which thanks to its action “come to life” and hair grows faster. Castor oil also protects the grown hair from the harmful effects of the environment.
Castor oil should be applied at night and the eyebrows should be thoroughly cleaned before applying it. At the same time, it should not get into the eyes.
Coconut oil is the most popular product. It speeds up growth, but also moisturizes and thickens hairs.
Olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, so it perfectly stimulates the growth of the eyebrows.
It is a part of various cosmetic products, but it can be used independently. Compression with olive oil should be done overnight, holding it for about 20 minutes.
Oyster oil is recommended not only by brow-masters, but also by cosmetologists. It nourishes the hairs and follicles, contributing to the growth and strengthening of the eyebrows.
Apply it with a brush from under the carcass, so that the components of the oil are better absorbed. We recommend that you put the oil “at hand” on the nightstand or dressing table and make it as visible as possible.
Remember that special oils for eyebrow growth will be much healthier and more effective!
Make sure you are not allergic to components that are in the oils!
Apply oil to the fold of your elbow and wait for 10 minutes. If there is no reaction, the oil can be used safely.
Use ready-made cosmetic products
If the oil’s texture is heavy and uncomfortable for you, take care of your eyebrows with ready-made products. Almost all cosmetic brands have similar products: gels, serums and conditioners for eyelashes and eyebrows. They usually contain plant extracts, oils, peptides and vitamins. These products literally awaken follicles and stimulate rapid hair growth.
Salon procedures for eyebrow growth
If the hairs on your eyebrows are stubbornly unwilling to grow, use the services of professionals who will create the effect of thick natural eyebrows.
Especially for those who dream of thick eyebrows, there is bio coloring. The master applies a special compound to the eyebrows, which dyes not only hairs, but also the inter-brow space and cannon hair. The pigment fills the upper layers of the skin, this creates the effect of naturally dense eyebrows. The dye lasts about two or three weeks, then the procedure has to be repeated.
But you need to consider your skin type. On oily dye will hold little, as opposed to dry skin. After dyeing do not wash and apply the cream on your face (so the procedure is better to perform at the weekend) for 24 hours to the pigment is well fixed on the hair and skin.
Microblading is a fashionable procedure similar to tattooing, but with a short-term effect. With the help of a special thin blade the master hammer the pigment under the skin with short strokes imitating hairs. The technology involves applying the pigment at different angles to make the effect as realistic as possible.
Swelling and other side-effects from microblading are almost non-existent (in extreme cases and on very sensitive skin). Since the needle with the pigment does not penetrate as deep under the skin as in tattooing, the effect of microblading will last up to two years, after which the pigment will start to turn pale and then disappear altogether.
Eyebrow growth masks
Different masks for eyebrow growth are considered equally effective. Such masks can be easily and quickly prepared at home, and natural components not only accelerate the growth of the eyebrows, but also harmless to their health.
• Mask of dry mustard, sugar and olive oil. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the eyebrows. Do not be afraid of burning, it starts about 5 minutes after application. After another 10 minutes, remove the mask with cold water.
• Mix the tincture of red pepper in proportion 2 to 1 with castor oil. Keep the mask no longer than 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
• Mix half a chicken yolk with almond oil (20 ml) and cognac (15 ml). Apply as a compress for 15 minutes, covering the eyebrows with cotton pads. Rinse off with cold water.
How fast can you make your eyebrows thick at home?
The process of restoring thick and healthy eyebrows is a long one. You don’t have to wait for a miracle, you have to be patient. But what if you need sable eyebrows today?!
For this there are little tricks in makeup that will visually make the eyebrows thicker:
Step 1: Gently shadow the entire shape of the eyebrow, growing well.
Step 2: Draw the eyebrows and paint over the blank areas with a pencil. It is important that the eyebrows have no clear borders!
Step 3: Use a marker to gently draw fine hairs all over your eyebrow. This will make them look fatter and thicker.
The second option is to create each hair individually. This will require a very thin beveled brush, which is suitable for drawing hairs. With the help of it, the fondant for the eyebrows of the necessary color is applied in strokes. The hairs are “applied” along the length of the eyebrow in the direction of hair growth. After styling the hairs and fix the effect with a transparent gel.