How to learn to move your eyebrows?

Eyebrow movement plays an important role in displaying emotions. Lifting symbolizes surprise, reduction to the bridge of the nose – anger. To use facial expressions to the maximum, you need to learn how to raise one eyebrow. Then you can show more emotions with a slight movement of the eyebrow.
Why study it
As mentioned above, you need to move your eyebrows to display your emotions. Basically, synchronous movements of both eyebrows are used, and people are already used to this.
But the craftsmen who know how to move one eyebrow separately from the second attract attention. And they can demonstrate with this movement a whole range of different emotions:
- skepticism;
- mistrust;
- astonishment;
- fun;
- flirting, etc.
The message is influenced by many different nuances, such as the setting, context, or facial expressions.
You can watch an excellent selection of when the ability to move your eyebrows came in handy:
In addition to helping with communication, this little skill will also come in handy in Facebook building. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, but if you train it regularly, it will retain elasticity and youth for a longer period.
How to learn to raise one eyebrow
For training, you will need 15-20 minutes a day. The duration of training depends on the initial data: a couple of days is enough for someone, someone will train for several weeks. The better the facial muscles are developed, the easier it will be for you to learn.
Choose a time when no one will disturb you. You need to focus on your feelings, actions, and at first you may look ridiculous. It is very important that you do not feel tense or shy during training, because this can affect the result.
Exercise 1
Take a large mirror to observe the expression on your face. Find a comfortable place to sit.
Choose one eyebrow to work on. Be guided by your preferences, but there is a pattern:
- it is easier for left-handed people to move their left eyebrow;
- It is easier for right-handed people to move with their right hand.
Now directly exercises:
- Make a scowl. Make sure the brow muscles are involved. Feel them.
- Relax one of the eyebrows, relieve tension from it and move it a little.
- The second must remain in place.
If you find it difficult to control your eyebrows randomly, you can raise your right hand (or left for lefties) and hold the eyebrow that should not move.
At first, help the eyebrows with your hands, and then get involved.
Now you just need to understand that different muscles are responsible for the eyebrows. Feel them, learn to strain them individually. You are already used to lifting both brow ridges at once, and now you need to separate them and manage them separately. This may take some time.
If all else fails, move on to the next exercise. Maybe it will be easier for you.
Exercise 2
Here you will also need the help of hands and a mirror.
- Cover both brow ridges with your hands – place your index and middle fingers over your brows. She must pass between them.
- Frown, then raise your eyebrows. Feel how they move and how the muscles under your fingers tense.
- Now make a downward movement with one eyebrow, raise it. Move until you feel confident in controlling it.
- Remove your fingers from the part that you control, and continue to support the second.
- Look in the mirror to see how the eyebrow moves. Try to make the movement more explicit, more expressive.
- Remove your hand, and try not to use the second eyebrow when you move the first one.
After that, repeat the exercise for the second eyebrow. This is the best way to learn how to move your eyebrows, but it is quite long. If you want a quick result, pay attention to the next section.
Exercise 3
Approach the mirror. Choose the side you want to work with now. Let’s call her the leader.
- Raise both eyebrows with your fingers.
- When you reach the optimum height, release the leader.
- It will start to descend, but you need to try to hold it. Try to raise it to the height where the first one is.
- When it works, you need to let go of the second eyebrow. And try to raise the leader without touching the second.
We can say that you have mastered the skill of raising your eyebrows if you can hold one of them at the optimal height for you for a minute.
What to do if it doesn’t work
Unfortunately, some people will not be able to raise one eyebrow, no matter how hard they try. It’s all about the structure of the muscles of the forehead – this is an evolutionary trait, and some have not acquired it.
But don’t give up right away – you won’t know if you can or not until you try. So be sure to try the above exercises, and look at the result.
Study for at least one month to draw any conclusions. Learning this skill is not so easy – even for those with flexible facial muscles, it takes several days to somehow begin to control the eyebrows individually.
Expert advice
It is easier to master this skill in childhood, when facial expressions are very mobile, the skin is elastic, and the muscles are responsive. But adults can also learn this skill, you just have to train regularly.
And those who already know how, share their secrets:
- Stretch your neck, sometimes it’s easier to lift the muscles of the face.
- Squint the opposite eye to make it easier to fix the raised eyebrow in the desired position.
- Don’t squint your eyes, even if you think it will help learning. This position of the eyes will interfere with the muscles, and it is harmful to memorize such a movement. Even if you can learn to raise one eyebrow, how will you look with slanted eyes? Don’t develop bad habits.
- Sometimes it helps to change direction – keep the inactive eyebrow not at the top, but lower it down. And the second, free, move up and down.
- Start on the side where your dominant hand is located – it is usually easier to move it.
You need to train daily, at least 15 minutes twice a day. With this regimen, you should be able to raise one eyebrow in at least a week. Soon you will be able to see results and feel the right muscles better. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work out, there are so many interesting things in the world that you can learn.