There is no single shade of green for iris color, but lots and lots of varieties: forest, bottle green, meadow, gold, jade and aquamarine. How to make up green eyes making sure to enhance each of these varieties of green? Follow us to learn how to make up eyes of any variety of green the perfect way.
How to make up green eyes
First, it is necessary to choose exclusively a few color families, those, to be exact, that will be able to bring out the intensity of the “green eye look,” starting with the lightest shades and ending with the darkest ones, and avoid, thus, those that will tone down its intensity, depth and brightness.
Eye shadows for green eyes
For example, you can choose blue or purple eyeshadows, in all shades of these two colors: not only are they the most trendy colors of 2016, but they have the characteristic of making green eyes stand out in an excellent way thanks to unparalleled effects-light, especially if you combine lighter and darker shades of the same family. Most suitable, then, is any eyeshadow palette with at least 3 or 4 shades that allow for many matching possibilities
Another eyeshadow to perform a perfect make-up of a green iris, all the more so if this one has golden undertones, is the bronze color, as long as it is of light gradation and in warm shades. It is necessary to combine it with the color coffee, or browns in pinkish shades and an eyeliner of the famous “dark brown.” A star with eyes of this color who knows perfectly how to make up green eyes is Blake Lively, the very famous actress who often opts for smokey eyes in very natural shades. Those who have eyes with dark green tones, or forest or even bottle green should go for the black color eyeshadow, which gives the impression that they are lighter and also much deeper: of course, it should not be a matt black but, if possible, cream eyeshadows that should be blended gradually towards the hollow formed by the eyelids and made more languid by adding a good dose of mascara, volumizing false eyelashes, to create the “butterfly wings” effect.
How to make up green eyes with “tone on tone”
Tone-on-tone deserves a separate mention: almost until now snubbed and mistreated by many make-up artists who identified green eye shadow shades as the number one enemy precisely for green eyes, it is currently being revalued a lot and some make-up “gurus” are parading it even in the most “in” catwalks, starting from those in Milan and ending with those in Paris.
How? Simple: just prefer it always absolutely equal to the color of the iris and then emphasize it by edging it or even with an eye liner or very intense or contrasting green. Accordingly, women with green eyes with gold undertones will opt for the lightest moss shade green for the entire surface of the eyelid, making it deeper with the bottle shade of green to be blended in the hollow and emphasized by a pencil line of the creamy type, modulating the shades in the green/black colors.
The ideal base for green eye makeup
In order to get perfectly and flawlessly made-up green eyes, it is very important to carefully choose the base. It is always better not to give in to foundations with mask-effects in order to choose one that is fluid, light, but at the same time covering, which can give brightness to the face and make it always look radiant. Next you need to add one of the brightest concealers that will be able to highlight the eyes, and also a blush that has coral and peach shades. By doing so, these intense green eyes will shine in all their beauty.