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How to use refectocil eyebrow tint?

Apply it immediately to the lashes and/or eyebrows after combining 2 cm of dye with 10 drops of RefectoCil Liquid Oxidant or 15-20 drops of RefectoCil Cream Oxidant to create a creamy paste.

Refectocil eyebrow tint tutorial | tint brows at home


How do you mix RefectoCil brow tint?

Combine 5 drops of RefectoCil Oxidant liquid or 8–10 drops of RefectoCil Oxidant cream with 1 cm of RefectoCil eyelash and brow tint. Apply a tiny amount to the inside elbow bend or the area behind the ear. After 48 to 72 hours of letting it dry and being left outside, thoroughly clean.

How much oxidant do I mix with RefectoCil?

Utilizing the application stick, create a creamy paste by combining 15 drops of RefectoCil Oxidant 3% cream with 2 cm (3/4 of an inch) of color. Use the paste as soon as it is ready and adhere to the RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tint usage instructions.

What do you mix with eyebrow tint?

Prepare your tint mixture first. The kit contains a dropper bottle of color activator and a tube of dye cream.
Mix 1 cm of cream with 3 drops of activator in a mixing bowl until the mixture has the consistency of spread.

How long should I leave eyebrow tint on?

Depending on the type of hair being used, eyebrow tinting might take anywhere from one to five minutes until the dye is completely removed. If there is any discoloration, don’t be alarmed; it will wash away over the course of the next day or so. The skin around your eyebrows shouldn’t have been harmed by the dye.

Is RefectoCil safe for eyebrows?

In contrast to all other products on the market, By RefectoCil is unique. The color additive Silver Nitrate has been given FDA approval for brow and lash tint. Additionally, it is vegan and safe for people with sensitive skin and allergies.

Does RefectoCil stain the skin?

Nearly all of the color pigments in the RefectoCil oxidative tint range enter the hair shaft, but the RefectoCil Sensitive color pigment wraps around the outside of the hair, producing the skin stain effect.

How long do you leave eyebrow tint on for refectocil?

RefectoCil red treatment takes 10 to 20 minutes; chestnut tinting takes 10 minutes. Beginner’s tip: After two to three minutes, remove the tinting paste from one brow and check the results. You can also show the client.

Can I use refectocil without oxidant?

What is the ideal ratio for mixing? Only Refectocil Liquid or Creme Oxidant should be combined with Refectocil Tints. Not compatible with any other oxidant brands.

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