Laser Eyebrow Hair Removal Procedure and Hair Removal Between the Eyebrows

why it is necessary eyebrow hair removal, especially in the area of the eyebrows and between the eyebrows ?. Girls have always searched to be seductive. Today, women of the pretty sex are particularly demanding of themselves and therefore strive to make every inch of the face and body beautiful. The face is particularly needing care and attention. And of course, there are now well-groomed eyebrows in vogue. The beautiful, expressive shape of the eyebrows gives the eyes a unique personality and appeal. Every girl looks for the eyebrow shape that best suits her face and, having found it, trying to keep the lines clear for a long time.
What is laser eyebrow hair removal ?
laser hair removal refers to methods of radical eyebrow hair removal, in which laser radiation destroys hair follicles. This method is quite effective, as the hair can no longer grow out of the destroyed follicle. Unfortunately (and fortunately for some), not all the hairs in the eyebrows grow at the same time – some of the hair follicles in the eyebrows are in active growth, and some (10-15%) are inactive, “sleeping”.
In order to eliminate all unwanted vegetation between and around the eyebrows as much as possible, you need a whole course of procedures in which all gradually activated follicles will be gradually destroyed by laser.
The sessions should be held with a break of 20-24 days (specific terms depend on the power and type of laser device, as well as on the individual speed of hair growth).
Important: Since the hairs removed by the laser wave no longer grow back, it is necessary to carefully select in advance the shape of the eyebrows, which is ideal for a particular face.
How does laser eyebrow hair removal work?
To make sure that this procedure of laser eyebrow hair removal is absolutely safe for your health and will not spoil the appearance of your face, we will tell you about how the laser works: it adjusts to the light frequency 808 nm and sends a beam to the skin area from which the hair is supposed to be removed. This frequency is not chosen by chance, it corresponds to the depth of the hair follicle. Melanin (dark pigment) contained in the root of the hair under the action of light is heated and gradually destroyed. Over the next few days, the hair shaft together with its root will gradually come out and fall out.
Since the light wave can only have an effect on hair in the active growth stage, after a few weeks the antennae will appear again, as the sleeping hairs will wake up. After that, the procedure can be repeated. Usually, the interval between laser eyebrow hair removal sessions is about four to five weeks. The more professional eyebrow hair removal procedures you go through, the longer the intervals will be. They can be as long as a few years. Just imagine: for three whole years you can enjoy absolutely smooth skin on your face!
How laser hair removal is done in the eyebrow area?
The method is based on the application of a single wavelength of light with high density and directionality – this is laser radiation.
The light wave acts on eumelanin, a pigment located in the hair shaft and capable of absorbing light waves with a certain length (range from 700 to 800 nm).
The pigment that absorbs the light wave is heated and has a destructive effect on the hair sprout zone, feeding the hair follicles of blood vessels (lymphatic and blood vessels), as well as sebaceous glands.
The hair follicles of the hair follicles are also nourished by the lymphatic and blood vessels as well as the sebaceous glands.
The hair shaft remains in place for some time, but after a couple of weeks it falls out along with the “root”. One pulse destroys about a dozen follicles.
The hairs that have died as a result of the follicle destruction can be permanently removed, but since during the first procedure, the laser affects only the hairs visible on the skin surface, one session is not enough.
How to prepare for laser eyebrow hair removal?
In order for epilation to bring the expected results and have no side effects, it is necessary:
- Do not pluck hairs, do not remove them with other types of hair removal within 2 weeks before the session. Unnecessary hair can be shaved with a razor.
- Two or three weeks do not attend the solarium and do not sunbathe.
- Do not use alcoholic products and cosmetics containing lanolins and oils on the eve of the procedure.
Going to the salon, you should thoroughly clean your face and shave your interbrow.
Advantages and disadvantages of laser eyebrow hair removal
The undoubted advantage of laser eyebrow hair removal is the ability to aim and quickly destroy the hair follicles, which allows to obtain high aesthetic results.
The advantages of laser eyebrow hair removal include:
Painful sensations minimized. Depending on the individual sensitivity of the skin, the way it is cooled and the diameter of the laser beam, there may be no unpleasant sensations at all, there may be slight discomfort or a brief burning sensation.
There are no complications with the right choice of energy flow density and customer characteristics. The laser is safest with thin hairs, as thick and dark hairs become more heated when absorbing energy. In order to prevent oedema in women with dark thick hairs or hypersensitive skin after the procedure, effective cooling systems are used during laser eyebrow hair removal and special samples are taken before the procedure.
- No skin damage if the procedure is carried out correctly.
- High efficiency. According to statistics, after 4-5 sessions, unwanted hair practically does not appear.
- Duration of the effect (full course allows not to resort to repeated epilation for at least several years).
- No risk of transmitting a variety of infections, because the skin with this method preserves its integrity.
- Lack of ingrown hair after the procedure.
- Affordable cost.
The disadvantage of laser eyebrow hair removal is:
- The impossibility of using the method for natural blondes and women with gray hairs;
- Availability of absolute and relative contraindications;
- The possibility of complications with insufficient qualification of the cosmetologist, violation of the recommended care, with weakened immunity and the lack of protective glasses in the process of epilation.
Contraindications for laser eyebrow hair removal
Contraindications may be absolute (prohibited for health reasons in principle or due to inefficiency) and relative (eyebrows may be removed after consultation with a doctor and conducted before the treatment procedure).
Absolute contraindications are considered to be:
- Immune and cancer diseases, as exposure to the laser may worsen the client’s health.
- Diabetes mellitus and systemic skin diseases.
- Individual intolerance to the procedure, which is manifested by swelling and crusts in the area of exposure, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. To detect individual intolerance, a test is performed 124 hours before the procedure.
- Blonde, red or gray hair. Since eumelanin (dark pigment) is used in the mechanism of destruction of the follicle by laser wave, and it is absent in light, red and gray hair, the procedure will not have any effect.
Relative contraindications are considered to be the presence:
- acute and chronic skin diseases (eczema, etc.);
- the presence of a large number of birthmarks in a place that must be treated with laser;
- a fresh (up to 2 weeks) tan or swarthy skin tone;
- varicose veins;
- inclination to the appearance of keloid scars;
- current acute respiratory diseases;
- allergies in the acute phase;
- pregnancy;
- burns, wounds, abrasions and other skin damages at the place of exposure.
Laser eyebrow hair removal is contraindicated for girls under 18 years due to the unstable hormonal background.
For efficient and safe laser eyebrow hair removal it is important to know:
- The type of laser that is suitable for your skin.
- Pulse diameter (light beam), which affects the penetration depth of energy into tissue. The suitable diameter is 12-15 mm, and the largest possible diameter to date is 18 mm. With a diameter of 10 mm, the procedure will not give the expected result.
The exact number of procedures is selected by the doctor, as well as the type of laser and the diameter of the light beam.
A cooling system is used so that the surrounding tissues do not suffer when heating the hair shaft:
- ice, which is applied to the skin;
- contact cooling (sapphire window with cold circulating water);
- cryogenic spray;
- systems that have a forced current of cold air (the most effective dynamic system using coolant).
Eyebrow hair is removed quickly and almost painlessly.
Which device is better to perform the laser eyebrow hair removal?
The efficiency of different lasers for epilation is almost the same. Eyebrow area is used for epilation:
- Ruby laser, which is used for type III skin (beige). In people with type IV there is a probability of hypopigmentation. Due to the rather short wavelength, there is a risk of burns.
- Alexandrite laser with a wavelength of 755 nm (the longer the wavelength, the safer the laser is for the skin and the deeper it penetrates). Removes fine hair well, it is faster than other devices to cope with the volume of work.
- Diode laser, which has a longer wavelength (808 nm). It is suitable for all skin types and allows to work with swarthy and tanned skin due to the longer pulse duration than other devices.
- Aluminum-pomegranate, which is highly effective at eyebrow hair removal for dark clients. It can cause the loss of pigment in the skin.
In most cases, alexandrite or diode laser is used, and less often neodymium, nanosecond and ruby laser.
Eyebrow care after laser eyebrow hair removal
After eyebrow hair removal with laser follows:
- Treat the area where the hair was removed with a cooling gel.
- Daily brush your eyebrows with a fine brush.
- In case of inflammation, lubricate the treated area with a weak solution of boric acid, “Bepanthenom” or “Panthenol”.
- Cut the growing hairs with manicure scissors until the next session.
- Do not visit the sauna for several days.
- Do not load yourself with physical exercises during the first days.
Mild redness of the skin may persist after a session for about 3 days.
Since the effect of laser eyebrow hair removal depends on the qualification of the doctor and his experience, you should choose a well-proven salon for the procedure.Today, it is possible to make it in almost all cosmetology centers in the United States at a reasonable price. And if you are lucky enough to find stocks or coupons, the price will seem cheap to you.