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Eyebrow hair removal

Mistakes In Eyebrow Hair Removal: 10 Bad Habits To Abandon Immediately

Eyebrow shaving would seem to be a rather basic task for a beauty addict. Yet, even the most experienced can fall into real “beginner’s mistakes.” Not for nothing, it remains one of the most popular treatments among beauticians.

Indeed, we all know well the importance of eyebrows in order to define the look and enhance the features: in a word, to make us more beautiful. And hair removal is the first and fundamental step. If it is done incorrectly, make-up will be not only more cumbersome but also unsatisfactory. Kind of like doing the base on a problematic skin rather than one without major flaws.

So we thought we would do a “review” of some common mistakes that many of us tend to make when it comes to shaving our eyebrows. We found as many as 10 of them, so let’s kick off the post right away!

1- Go against one’s individual characteristics

Hair removal should go along with the natural shape of the eyebrows without distorting it

The point of depilating and then making up the eyebrows is to eliminate a few flaws by removing hairs growing in the wrong places and filling in the holes with makeup. The first guideline in eyebrow hair removal is therefore to enhance the natural structure of the eyebrows.

The stencil would also be considered an “aid,” but should be used judiciously.

2- Ripping with tweezers against the grain

Mistake 2 is more trivial, but often underestimated: we have already reiterated it a few times in other posts, but it is worth remembering. The principle is that the hair should precisely be plucked, pulled out as gently as possible, to avoid redness and ingrown hairs. So it should never be removed against the grain, because you risk breaking it.

3- Not putting cream before shaving them

This is not a “serious” mistake in this case, but putting cream before shaving our eyebrows is a step that takes a few seconds and makes all the difference. In fact, the hair is softened as well as the skin in the area. And as a result, the plucking, or the action of the razor, will be much gentler (the same happens if you proceed after a hot shower).

But beware. Cream should be removed after hair removal, and in general, care should be taken never to put any on this area-we are referring to day creams, sunscreens & Co. In fact, we have read that it may cause clogging of the hair follicles, slowing hair growth.

4- Shave your eyebrows too often

Do you also touch up your eyebrows almost every day? Well, you should try not to overdo it. Plucking an unruly hair is fine, but full hair removal should be done every one or two weeks, to give time for the hairs to grow a little and consequently have a better result.

5- Using a magnifying mirror

We happened to read in an interview with “celebrity pusher” Joey Healy that using a magnifying mirror for this procedure would be counterproductive. In fact, according to Healy, it makes us lose perspective on how much hair we have already removed.

Girls, we’re not done, in fact, we’re only halfway through! Go ahead and read the second page to find out what are the other 5 mistakes that so many of us make when we shave our eyebrows!

6- Using bad tweezers and not cleaning them

A good tweezer is a real investment, and it allows you to be more precise while warding off undercut or even ingrown hairs. Also, don’t forget to disinfect it quickly after each use.

7- Waxing too often

Eyebrow waxing: yes or no?

According to some, eyebrow waxing would be really inadvisable, because it would stress the delicate skin of the area too much, causing the eyelid skin to sag in the long run.

But many, on the other hand, continue to love this procedure, particularly with black waxing, which is gentler than the traditional version. Let’s say that one should avoid doing it too often, opting, in everyday life, for softer methods.

8- “Eyebrows are sisters, not twins”

Is this a phrase that sounds familiar? You’ve probably heard it from Clio before. Of course eyebrows should tend to be symmetrical, but without stubbornly making them identical.

Even some celebrities have definitely asymmetrical eyebrows, but they make their look and face even more beautiful and distinctive. Much better than “Instagram-style” eyebrows, which look like they were drawn with a square and ruler, resulting, as we said in point #1, unnatural and fake.

9- Shave them too much

It’s amazing how many people still fall into the beauty-crime of 1990s eyebrows!

We don't want to go back to that, do we ?????
We don’t want to go back to that, do we ?????

In short, girls, we don’t think it goes without saying that, without going to extremes of hyper-thin eyebrows that perhaps only look good on a few face types, shaving them too much is just as detrimental to your look. Suffice it to say that Michelle Obama let her own eyebrows, which she wore very thin, grow out, apparently to convey more confidence and trustworthiness!


… and afterwards.

10- Shave them too little

Even those with sparse and thin eyebrows need some tweaking

We all know what points to depilate, that is, where eyebrows grow completely out of proportion, such as near the crease of the eye. Paradoxically, the greatest beauty-danger is faced by girls who have sparse and thin eyebrows, and who are constantly told to “don’t touch them.”

Instead, even our Clio, with her thin eyebrows, doesn’t shy away from tweezing all those hairs that grow right where they shouldn’t. For example, it is not uncommon for some, perhaps very light ones, to sprout rather high up, in the lower part of the forehead. Here, in these cases they should be removed because among other things they interfere with make-up.

With this in mind, perhaps the best method is the razor, because it allows you to remove more effectively even those hairs, perhaps very light, that might escape the tweezers… but not the foundation!

And if you passed with flying colors for hair removal, find out if you are equally adept with eyebrow makeup.Find out how many you are guilty of so you don’t repeat them and have perfect eyebrows!.

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