Powder for eyebrows: how to use, how to choose, rating of the best, the difference from the pencil

With brow powder, you can achieve a very natural, soft look. With a few tricks, you can even make your eyebrow powder waterproof so it wears all day and night! For people who have oily skin, brow powder is a must-have eyebrow makeup product! Fill in sparse eyebrows or just add more volume to your eyebrows. Just try it for yourself and you will see that the results speak for themselves!
What does eyebrow powder do?
Powder for eyebrows is a product of decorative cosmetics, with the help of which you can give volume to the hairs and hide the flaws of the arches above the eyes. The product is suitable for girls with thin lines of hair and who want to create makeup, following fashion trends.
How does the eyebrow powder differ from other products?
Brow makeup powder is a loose pigmented powder. Applied with a beveled brush, the fine particles color the skin, sticking between the hairs, creating the effect of volume, lushness. The bristles look evenly colored, the line acquires a clear contour.
It is softly shaded, does not lead to overly bright features, it is universal, suitable for any skin type.
If the epidermis is very greasy it is not recommended to use liquid or wax based products for eyebrows. The powder particles absorb excess moisture and sebum. Makeup artists recommend using this product in hot weather or at events.
Due to the matte nature of the product, eyebrows look bright and natural. Some brands make powder on a water-repellent base that gives makeup staying power.
- Form – pencil, liner, loose version in a box, a combination in a set with other products;
- Texture – powder, cream, shadow;
- Composition – hydrophobic, caring components.
At first, there was a product packed in plastic boxes for professional use, for applying makeup. It was later used for everyday makeup, available in handy compact packages:
- Shadow powder for eyebrow makeup is a convenient option, you do not need experience to use it. The product is applied with a beveled brush, drawing the shape and contour. The hairs look well-groomed and bright.
- Liner looks like eyeliner with a puffy brush. Convenient for giving volume to the hair, you will need brushes to draw the contour.
Creamy products add liquid components to the composition. The cream powder resembles shadow, differing with them by the technique of application. For quality makeup, you need experience so as not to make the hairs stick together. The cream version is convenient for contouring. A beveled brush draws lines, then the color fills in the center.
Creamy components give the coating a shine, which is undesirable for oily skin types. They can contain caring extracts of beneficial plants, liquid vitamins A, E, nourishing oils. Additives improve the structure of hair, stimulate hair growth, awaken dormant follicles. Hydrophobic additives in the powder provide permanent makeup.
Cosmetics manufacturers create mixes for eyebrow makeup – packages that combine several products:
- Cream product and shadow – a universal combination. The liquid composition draws lines, thin hairs. Shadows fill in the center, giving the arc brightness, volume.
- Pencil and powder for eyebrow design – an alternative, convenient for traveling or travel. The pencil creates a contour and the powder fills it.
- The Brow Box is a set that combines 3 or more makeup products. It usually includes a powder of different shades, a beveled brush, a brush, a wax for hair styling. There are kits for professional makeup and everyday makeup.
How to apply the eyebrow powder step by step?
The eyebrows influence the perception of the shape of the face, the eyes, and determine the accents in the appearance. To apply makeup correctly, you need to learn the basics of contouring, choose the shape of the arches, the product, and brushes.
It is not difficult to use powder for eyebrows, the skill can be mastered by beginners. Makeup artists advise shaping arcs after applying foundation to avoid smudges.
Preparing for the makeup:
- Pluck out excess hairs;
- comb through the hair with a brush;
- Waxing can be used for styling.
Correctly paint the eyebrows with powder for eyebrows should follow the following algorithm:
- With a beveled brush, highlight the contours. If the lines are too bright, you can shade them to the center.
- Use a down brush or brush to distribute the powder from the bridge of the nose to the temples in light intermittent movements.
- At the bridge of the nose, use a clean brush to smooth the hairs’ point of growth for a natural look.
- Adjust any imperfections with a cotton swab.
Use a fixer for extra brow shine and to make the powder last longer. The product helps makeup to stay on the face for up to 24 hours.
Is eyebrow pencil or powder better?
Should I use an eyebrow powder or a pencil? Many people ask this question. And the answer is: it really is what you prefer. Brow powder tends to look more natural than brow pencil. Pencil is usually used to add color. Powder does both, it adds color as well as more volume to your eyebrows. The overall effect of brow powder is much softer than using an eyebrow pencil.
If you’ve always used pencils, we definitely recommend trying an eyebrow powder. Compare both and see which one suits you better.
Always make sure that you’re buying high quality products, whether it’s a pencil or a powder. You will definitely see the difference!
How to use eyebrow powder?
Once you know how to apply eyebrow powder, it’s really easy and will soon become part of your daily makeup routine. Just follow our step-by-step instructions and you’ll soon master the skill of perfect eyebrows! With our insider tips and tricks from top makeup artists, your eyebrows will be perfect in no time!
What you need to apply eyebrow powder:
- mirror
- good light
- eyebrow powder
- eyebrow pencil
- eyebrow stencils (if necessary)
- eyebrow gel (recommended)
- concealer (recommended)
Here’s a general rule of thumb: use eyebrow powder sparingly. Overdoing it will make you look buffoonish. Also, always choose a powder one or two shades lighter than your hair color for a more natural finish.
Your eyebrows have tremendous power. If you haven’t started grooming them a bit yet, try brow powder and experience this instant transformation yourself.
What color eyebrow powder should I use?
When choosing a brow powder color, try to find a color similar to your natural hair color. As a rule, this color usually suits people best.
Brow powder looks very similar to eye shadow and comes in similar packaging. Use it for sparse filler and lighter colored eyebrows. The powder will shade under the hair and give the illusion of fuller eyebrows.
To use the powder, make sure it has the right color and the right brush. This is important because the density of the powder allows the user to use the makeup in a concise manner.
Brow powder is the easiest to manage and the easiest to clean if you make a mistake. So you can try many shapes and find what works right for you in no time.
When choosing a shade it should match your hair color, but you need to make sure that it works on your skin tone . One tip that may be a perfect starting point is to choose a color that is one or two shades lighter than your hair color.
You’ll get the most out of your brow powder if you apply it with an angled brow brush, using light, short strokes. You can fix any flyaways with a spool, brow pomade or brow wax.
Whichever style you choose, whether it’s soft and smudgy or precise and thick, you can accomplish it with the right o product.
The best powders for eyebrows: rating & Reviews
The best beauty products are those that have been tested by both ordinary users and professional beauticians. At the same time “the best” does not always mean “the most expensive”. You may be able to find a quality product and among inexpensive cosmetics, the main thing is to know what to look for. In order to make it easier for you, we offer a list of quality products from fairly cheap, to more expensive professional products.
To the budget means for self-care can be attributed cosmetics from Avon. Despite the low prices, the quality of the products is decent. The same can be said about ArtDeco Eye Brow Powder and Essence Eyebrow. The cost of such a palette varies around 300 rubles, so they can afford them every girl.
From the category “pencil-powder” we can mention Smashbox Brow Tech Shaping Powder. This product has definitely earned a place in the top of the best. The makeup applied with it, holds throughout the day, right up to the moment when you wash it off with special products. A more expensive alternative to this product is Ardell Brown Defining Powder.
Well, if you’re willing to spend a little more money on your makeup, then we recommend to pay attention to the luxury makeup products. This can be the popular palette Inglot Brow Power or any products from Nyx. Well and the favorite of a huge number of girls is Anastasia Beverly Hills. This company has established itself as a manufacturer of the best eyebrow care products. Their pencils, shadows and gels are of high quality and resistance. And now that powders have appeared in the range, the same can be said about them.
Brow powder today is a relatively new product and not all fashionistas have had time to experience its effect. But those who have tried it, for the most part, are satisfied.
So if you are in favor of natural beauty, but you do not mind correcting some of your flaws, then you should definitely pay attention to this product. Girls leave positive reviews about the durability and quality of this powdery matte, and more and more often recommend it to their friends and acquaintances.