Semi-permanent makeup: two techniques to make your eyebrows perfect

If you’re always stressed out and don’t have time to take care of yourself, this guide might be for you. Today we speak in particular of eyebrows, fundamental element to enhance one’s visa, often neglected by the thousands of daily commitments.
Keeping the eyebrows well-groomed and with a defined shape is very important, as they are able to change the expressiveness of our face. In this sense, their shape is fundamental in our facial expressions.
One of the possible solutions on an aesthetic level could be that of semi-permanent make-up, so as to always have perfect eyebrows and not having to spend so much time in front of the mirror every morning. However, it is important to know well the different methods for retouching eyebrows: misinformation often creates confusion and even damage. So let’s discover the differences between microblading and aesthetic dermopigmentation.
Aesthetic dermopigmentation: what it is and how long it lasts
Dermopigmentation is a semi-permanent skin coloring technique that can be used to define or fill in the eyebrows, but also for many other purposes, such as reconstructing the lip contour, the eye contour or correcting scars. Eyebrows undoubtedly represent the main reason why dermopigmentation is used. Using electric needle machines, the shape of the eyebrows is recreated based on the proportions of the face, which are obviously different from person to person. Even the choice of color starts from the natural one and the actual tattooing takes place only after having made a preparatory drawing: in this way it will be possible to preview the final result and evaluate any changes according to personal tastes.
Furthermore, dermopigmentation makes use of non-allergenic semi-permanent pigments, mostly organic with a mineral base and therefore resorbable.
After about a month, or a little more, from the first session, the so-called reinforcement treatment is generally carried out, which should not be confused with retouching, and which completes the initial work, intervening on any holes or thickening, or even to darken the color . Being a semi-permanent technique, if not retouched it will gradually tend to fade until it disappears almost completely. The duration of dermopigmentation depends a lot from person to person.
Microblading: what it is and how long it lasts
For microblading we mean the technique performed with small cuts, in which the color is deposited, through the use of small and thin razor blades. It too is a form of tattooing, but it is exclusively reserved for the eyebrows.
The technique is often referred to “Hair” or “hair effect”, since it seems to give a really realistic result of the eyebrow. Also in this case, it all depends on the manual skills of those who perform it, but there is no doubt that, if practiced by experts in the sector, the final effect will be very natural. The duration of microblading it can vary from person to person, but it normally lasts no more than three to four months. In fact, microblading is the only form of real semi-permanent, i.e. total disappearance: it therefore requires several sessions over the course of a year.
- Both techniques they involve the insertion of organic pigments under the skin and are semi-permanent, thus requiring retouching sooner or later. Both require an initial marking phase and a subsequent reinforcement treatment.
- Be the preparation to the treatment that tattoo care are very similar: it is very important to have well hydrated skin and to stop, at least a month before, any type of retinol treatment. After the treatment, however, it is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun, swimming pool, sauna, Turkish baths and, in general, sweat, for at least 10/15 days: for this reason both microblading and eyebrow tattooing are not recommended during the summer.
The main differences are:
- In dermopigmentation the color is deposited slightly deeper than microblading and for this reason it has a longer duration, although, as we have said, a lot depends on the type of skin;
- Microblading it is a manual technique, and for this reason it allows you to act more precisely on the eyebrow, also thanks to the absence of machine vibrations: this ensures a more natural result. Dermopigmentation, on the other hand, is mechanical.
Costs related to the two methods are actually very similar since both require a great manual skill of those who practice them as well as special materials and equipment. Depending on the professional you are addressing, the prices can also be very different, from a minimum of € 300 (below which it is possible that there is something unclear) up to even exceeding € 1000 in the case of true masters of technique.
The retouching usually it has a slightly lower price than the first session, since it does not require the preparatory drawing.
Is having your eyebrows tattooed painful?
Yup. In fact, at least half an hour before using the dermograph, it is necessary to apply a local anesthetic. During the micropigmentation, however, you will feel some pain and the skin will remain red for a few days. Desquamation will follow, which manifests itself with microcrusts that will disappear within a week; during this phase it is necessary to apply emollient creams, favoring products based on petroleum jelly, which does not penetrate the epidermis and only creates a protective and moisturizing film, and avoiding nickel and zinc oxide as much as possible. After a month the tattoo will have to be retouched because part of the pigment will have been reabsorbed.