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eyebrow piercings take to heal

Eyebrow piercing

How eyebrow piercing is done?

Eyebrow piercing is a classic type of piercing, one of the least painful, popular with both girls and guys. To…

Eyebrow piercing

Which eyebrow should i pierce?

Once again, the most common location is towards the outside corner of the eye. Vertical and horizontal eyebrow piercings are…

Eyebrow piercing

All you should known before getting a dermal eyebrow piercing

How not to have problems of infection or rejection after the installation of a dermal eyebrow piercing. A good healing,…

Eyebrow piercing

Is it better to do a piercing on the left or right eyebrow?

Facial piercings are made in the most unusual places: cheeks, nose, lip and even on the forehead. Eyebrow piercing, despite…

Eyebrow piercing

Eyebrow piercing guide for successful piercing

It is thought that eyebrow piercings are often rejected, but this is not entirely true. Eyebrow piercing is not only…

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