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Microblading Eyebrows

What is eyebrow microblading?

Microblading (from the English “microblade”) eyebrows – a type of eyebrow tattoo, which is done manually with a scalpel and…

Eyebrow Tattoo

Will eyebrow tattoo fade completely?

Microblading, which is completely safe with a qualified artist, is meant to be semi-permanent. This means it is a semi-permanent…

Eyebrow Tattoo

Eyebrow tattoo removal with remover, laser and at home

Tattooing is a popular cosmetic procedure used to correct the shape of the eyebrows. Its demand is constantly increasing. However,…

Eyebrow Tattoo

Eyebrow tattoo vs Microblading: which procedure to choose?

Permanent makeup has become very popular in the beauty industry today. It differs from traditional makeup in that, in order…

Eyebrow Tattoo

A full treatment of the eyebrow tattoo and its healing process

Eyebrow tattooing is a permanent makeup, in which the skin is perforated and pigment is injected into the perforations. The…

Eyebrow Tutorials

Microblading: tutorial video How eyebrow microblading is done?

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