This eyebrow trick makes you look younger

Eyebrows are one of the most important features of the face. With this make-up trick for your eyebrows you can cheat away a few years.
Actress Sofia Vergara loves the “Smoky Brow” trend
An old saying says that eyes are the window to the soul. The eyebrows would then be the frame that holds it all together. Eyebrows frame the face, give expression and are very important for the overall picture. Therefore you should not only find the perfect shape for your face, but also avoid mistakes when repainting the eyebrows, which will make you look older.
Instead of filling your brows with hard edges and sharp lines, you should try this new eyebrow trick: “Smoky Brow”. This trend uses a powder to give the brows a light and natural look. Gaps are filled in, but the whole thing doesn’t look painted on, but has soft, blurred corners. The natural look visually lifts the eyebrows and thus cheats away a few years.
Instead of an eyebrow pencil, the trend requires an eyebrow powder. With a small brush you fill up the brows with short, fine and light strokes. If you have used too much powder in some areas, simply correct the fault with a brush: Comb the eyebrow hairs a few times until the product is evenly distributed.
This eyebrow shape makes us look younger
Already hyped in Korea, the trend is now spilling over to Europe. Straight eyebrows are not only trendy, they also make us look a few years younger.
Already hyped in Korea, the trend is now spilling over to Europe. Straight eyebrows are not only trendy, they also make us look a few years younger.
We have been wearing arched eyebrows for the last two years. Now we pluck them differently. Because: A new eyebrow trend is being hyped (where else, of course) in Korea – the motherland of all new beauty trends. There, women there rely on a straight and dense form of eyebrows. They make us look a few years younger. In contrast to brows with a high arch, which can quickly look unnatural, full and straight eyebrows imitate youthfulness and lend a special nonchalance.
If you don’t pluck your eyebrows as hard anyway, you have a strong advantage because you can style a straight shape more quickly. Unlike usual, with this shape we have to remove the hairs above and not below the brow. However, you should think carefully about how many small hairs you pluck away. After all, you never know if eyebrows will grow back in this way.
Our tip: Make an appointment at a brow-bar. There, the eyebrow is easily given a new shape using hot wax or a special thread technique. And: The professionals know exactly which hairs to remove and which ones should rather stay in place.
If you want a quick effect, take a soft eyebrow pencil and paint the eyebrows as straight as possible. This way you can slowly get into the new shape and see if it suits you at all.
Straight eyebrows – who does it say?
The shape of the eyebrows should be individually adapted to the shape of the face. A straight eyebrow generally stands round and soft face shapes better than rectangular ones. Otherwise the look looks too hard and strict. If you have naturally narrow or too thin plucked eyebrows, you can paint on fine hairs with a brush thanks to the new “Eyebrow Extensions” and thus create a completely new shape of eyebrows.
Leave your eyebrows alone
Similar to full hair, full eyebrows are a sign of youthfulness. Therefore, it is best to leave the eyebrows alone and not to constantly tweak them. As we get older, our brows also tend to become more asymmetrical.
Many women try to correct this by supposedly tracing the eyebrows. Do not be subject to this misbelief! The eyebrows will not look more symmetrical, but simply more artificial. Eyebrows are not sisters, not twins – they can be different.
The technique for a Botox-like effect: redraw your eyebrows with a pencil in tone on tone by insisting along the upper line to give them substance. The eyes are then more open, fresher, more sparkling.