Three oils that really make your eyebrows grow . The main thing is to apply them correctly

The fashion for “drawn” eyebrows passed long ago, now they do not look relevant. The trend is for naturalness. But how to grow eyebrows, which will be different thick and beautiful? In this great helps natural oil, and which one – we’ll consider further.
Argan oil
Argan oil is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for quality regeneration of eyebrow skin and nourishment of hair roots, so that they begin to sprout with greater intensity. Argan oil is able not only to strengthen hair follicles, but also to give strength to the very hair shaft due to the large amount of fatty acids. But keep one thing in mind. True argan oil is extracted from the fruit of a UNESCO-protected plant, so it can’t be cheap. Pass by the product, a bottle of which costs $20. It will be synthetic and will definitely not be beneficial.
Cornflower oil
Cornflower oil is traditionally used to fight baldness. The highest quality is the green one, which is produced from the leaves. It contains the maximum concentration of vitamins, trace elements and minerals given by the leaves of the plant during the infusion of the product.
Black cumin oil
Black cumin oil starts to grow hair even on parts of the body where there were none. The product easily stimulates the regeneration process of hair follicles, it also nourishes them with strength. New hairs grow strong, thick and resilient. They then easily form beautiful eyebrows.
You should note that in the hot state the oil acquires a different consistency and you can easily mix it with other ingredients, if necessary. The oil should be applied gently, in small portions, rubbing it in with gentle strokes.
The principle “more is better” does not work in this case. Do not forget that the excess oil may start to run down the face. This may cause not only discomfort, but also contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, which is better to avoid.
It is better to cover the areas treated with oil with cotton pads and polyethylene to allow the components to interact with the skin and hair follicles.
After that, you should take a horizontal position and relax as much as possible. It is possible to remove the remaining oil from the eyebrows after 30 minutes, and ideally you should wait a couple of hours. Remove them with gentle movements, trying not to traumatize the skin.
To notice the acceleration of hair growth, it is enough to carry out such a procedure a couple of times a week.