Eyebrow styles
Why do eyebrow slits anger the older generation of boomers and Gen X?
The generation born between 1981 and 1996 – have long been the target of criticism from Baby Boomers for complaining too much, taking too many vacation days, eating too much avocado toast and generally being…
Eyebrow piercing falling out
Any piercing that goes through flat skin—such as an eyebrow piercing—will usually migrate towards the surface of the skin over time. … If the piercing is being “rejected,” or “growing out,” old layers of skin…
Can you break an eyebrow?
The eyebrow is a frequently traumatized area. Since anyone can break an eyebrow at home, let’s figure out how to help an injured person. To understand how serious an eyebrow injury is, you need to…
What does it mean if my mole above my right eyebrow is half off?
The eyebrows are a noticeable and irreplaceable part of the face, helping us to express all kinds of emotions. We raise them in surprise, or move them to the bridge of the nose to express…
Eyebrow piercing Leaking
You might even see some white or clear fluid from the piercing — this is lymph fluid, not pus. Dr. Wexler adds that this is normal and may be noticeable for several days after your…
How eyebrow piercing is done?
Eyebrow piercing is a classic type of piercing, one of the least painful, popular with both girls and guys. To ensure that the procedure, the healing process and the subsequent wearing of the earring do…