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Eyebrow styles

  • Can you have eyebrow slit in the army?

    Eyebrow slits are not specifically covered doesn’t mean they can’t say it’s an appearance issue, presents a professional appearance, and allows proper wear of headgear or other military assigned equipment. There is no minimum hair…

  • What does it mean if my mole above my right eyebrow is half off?

    The eyebrows are a noticeable and irreplaceable part of the face, helping us to express all kinds of emotions. We raise them in surprise, or move them to the bridge of the nose to express…

  • What do eyebrow slits mean?

    Eyebrow slits are a way to trim or shape eyebrows that are usually seen as a trend or fashion statement. The main idea is to remove a small section or hair – or, alternatively, paint…

  • Can you break an eyebrow?

    The eyebrow is a frequently traumatized area. Since anyone can break an eyebrow at home, let’s figure out how to help an injured person. To understand how serious an eyebrow injury is, you need to…

  • Scar Prevention 101: How to Reduce Scarring from Anti Eyebrow Piercings

    Anti eyebrow piercings have become increasingly popular as a unique and fashionable way to express individuality. However, one concern that often arises with these piercings is the potential for scarring. Scarring is a natural part…

  • Eyebrow piercing: treatment, pain, complications and PHOTOS

    The eyebrow piercing it is a very popular accessory for those who want to taste the flavor of rebellion, but not only. In this guide you will learn how to choose the style that suits…

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