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Eyebrow styles

  • What does it mean if my mole above my right eyebrow is half off?

    The eyebrows are a noticeable and irreplaceable part of the face, helping us to express all kinds of emotions. We raise them in surprise, or move them to the bridge of the nose to express…

  • Eyebrow piercing irritation bump

    Much like other facial piercings, when infected, eyebrow piercings can swell and/or develop a fluid-filled bump or pimple at the hole. If irritated, warm salt water soaks several times a day tend to help fairly…

  • Unveiling the Significance of Eyebrow Slits in LGBTQ+ Culture

    In the vast landscape of LGBTQ+ culture, unique trends and forms of self-expression continually emerge, capturing the essence of identity, individuality, and empowerment. One such trend that has gained prominence is the art of eyebrow…

  • Understanding Eyebrow Slits: LGBTQ+ Pride and Self-Expression

    Eyebrow slits have become increasingly popular in recent years as a form of self-expression among the LGBTQ+ community. This unique trend involves shaving small, vertical slits into one or both eyebrows, creating an edgy and…

  • Eyebrow piercing Leaking

    You might even see some white or clear fluid from the piercing — this is lymph fluid, not pus. Dr. Wexler adds that this is normal and may be noticeable for several days after your…

  • How is the anti eyebrow piercing done?

    Anti-brow piercings are face piercings that are placed above the cheek bone or below the eyebrows . It is usually done with a small bar or sometimes a curved barbell. This piercing can be vertical…

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