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Eyebrow styles

  • What do eyebrow slits mean?

    Eyebrow slits are a way to trim or shape eyebrows that are usually seen as a trend or fashion statement. The main idea is to remove a small section or hair – or, alternatively, paint…

  • When can I change my eyebrow piercing?

    If all goes well after about six weeks, you can replace the jewelry with a smaller piece or one that better suits your style. Most stores include small replacement jewelry in the price of the…

  • Eyebrow piercing yellow

    “When it’s discolored, like green or brown, that’s serious and something to be addressed immediately by a medical professional,” Thompson says “This could likely be an infection that shouldn’t go untreated.” Dr. Wexler agrees: If…

  • What do the different eyebrow slits mean?

    Eyebrow slits have no formal meaning, other than a style choice or form of self-expression. Over the years, this look has been associated with gang affiliation or membership, but these days the general wear has…

  • What can Brezhnev’s eyebrows say about his character? Why did Leonid Brezhnev have such eyebrows?

    Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, whose eyebrows and kisses were the cause of many people’s derision, is remembered as the longest reigning general secretary of the Soviet Union. His rule lasted eighteen years. Under him, the country…

  • Understanding Eyebrow Slits: LGBTQ+ Pride and Self-Expression

    Eyebrow slits have become increasingly popular in recent years as a form of self-expression among the LGBTQ+ community. This unique trend involves shaving small, vertical slits into one or both eyebrows, creating an edgy and…

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