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Tips & Trends

  • Eyebrow piercing infection

    An infection in the piercing site can occur when either the procedure, needle or ornament/jewelry are not sterile, or simply because the skin has been broken and common bacteria migrate into the wound. On rare…

  • When can I change my eyebrow piercing?

    If all goes well after about six weeks, you can replace the jewelry with a smaller piece or one that better suits your style. Most stores include small replacement jewelry in the price of the…

  • Best star’s eyebrows products and looks

    Eyebrows are becoming more and more the center of attention: after the fine, rounded bows that became depopulated in the 1990s, eyebrows have taken on more natural, more defined shapes in recent seasons. They range…

  • Is it better to do a piercing on the left or right eyebrow?

    Facial piercings are made in the most unusual places: cheeks, nose, lip and even on the forehead. Eyebrow piercing, despite its external complexity, is considered one of the easiest types of body art. To do…

  • How to do Eyebrow Slits: Tips and Essential Steps

    Eyebrow Slits are a way to cut or shape eyebrows that is usually seen as a trend. The main idea is to remove a small section – or, alternatively, to paint over it with makeup…

  • Exploring Eyebrow Slits: Symbolism and Expression in the LGBTQ+ Community

    In today’s ever-evolving society, self-expression has become a powerful tool for individuals to embrace and celebrate their identities. Within the LGBTQ+ community, the act of self-expression takes on even greater significance, as it becomes a…

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