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Tips & Trends

  • Decoding Eyebrow Slits: LGBTQ+ Identity and Empowerment

    Eyebrow slits have become a popular trend in recent years, with many individuals embracing this unique form of self-expression. However, beyond the fashion statement, eyebrow slits hold significant meaning within the LGBTQ+ community. In this…

  • How is the anti eyebrow piercing done?

    Anti-brow piercings are face piercings that are placed above the cheek bone or below the eyebrows . It is usually done with a small bar or sometimes a curved barbell. This piercing can be vertical…

  • Which eyebrow should i pierce?

    Once again, the most common location is towards the outside corner of the eye. Vertical and horizontal eyebrow piercings are the most standard types. But you can make them as unique as you like by…

  • Scar Prevention 101: How to Reduce Scarring from Anti Eyebrow Piercings

    Anti eyebrow piercings have become increasingly popular as a unique and fashionable way to express individuality. However, one concern that often arises with these piercings is the potential for scarring. Scarring is a natural part…

  • A Guide to Preventing Scarring: Anti Eyebrow Piercing Care Tips

    Getting an anti-eyebrow piercing can be an exciting and stylish way to express yourself. However, it’s crucial to understand that improper care can lead to scarring, which can detract from the beauty of the piercing.…

  • Eyebrow piercing guide for successful piercing

    It is thought that eyebrow piercings are often rejected, but this is not entirely true. Eyebrow piercing is not only worn by punk rockers, body part eyebrow piercing is very popular among young people and…

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