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Tips & Trends

  • What can Brezhnev’s eyebrows say about his character? Why did Leonid Brezhnev have such eyebrows?

    Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, whose eyebrows and kisses were the cause of many people’s derision, is remembered as the longest reigning general secretary of the Soviet Union. His rule lasted eighteen years. Under him, the country…

  • What do the different eyebrow slits mean?

    Eyebrow slits have no formal meaning, other than a style choice or form of self-expression. Over the years, this look has been associated with gang affiliation or membership, but these days the general wear has…

  • Eyebrow tutorial :Video lesson for Beautiful eyebrows

    How to properly paint eyebrows and what tools to use – a step-by-step in this video: The trend for well-groomed and bright eyebrows has been going on for several seasons. There is even the expression:…

  • The 9 eyebrow mistakes to avoid

    a reverse guide on the correct use of tweezers. With the suggestions of the make up artist who explains why some mistakes should not be made. Never as in recent years have eyebrows been in…

  • What do eyebrow slits represent?

    In many subcultures, the shaved slit on a man or woman’s eyebrow is considered a calling card. In the early 2000s, a guy with a slit eyebrow could be a rapper or a member of…

  • How eyebrow piercing is done?

    Eyebrow piercing is a classic type of piercing, one of the least painful, popular with both girls and guys. To ensure that the procedure, the healing process and the subsequent wearing of the earring do…

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