When can I change my eyebrow piercing?

If all goes well after about six weeks, you can replace the jewelry with a smaller piece or one that better suits your style. Most stores include small replacement jewelry in the price of the original piercing, so you can exchange it at no extra charge – but don’t try to change your jewelry yourself for the first time. Get professional help and instructions first. If you fail, the piercing may close up or suffer trauma from your attempt to place the jewelry incorrectly, compounding the damage.
Are eyebrow piercings outdated?
The eyebrow piercing is one of those things that seems to go from fashion to fashion without transition. It’s a strangely timeless piercing; if it’s not in vogue today, it only takes a few months for it to come back into fashion.
Popular with both men and women, the eyebrow piercing is a true unisex fashion statement. It can be placed anywhere along the eyebrow, but is usually located just past the brow bone.
How do you know if your eyebrow piercing is being rejected?
Body piercing is not without risk. Sometimes a piercing is rejected, which can lead to discomfort and scarring. Early identification of a piercing rejection can reduce scarring and skin damage. Any time the skin is broken, there is a risk of infection, scarring, allergy or other skin problems.
Sometimes the body’s immune response considers the jewelry a foreign object and rejects it. Rejection of the piercing can result in discomfort and scarring.
What side does the eyebrow piercing go on?
Depending on the placement, the name “eyebrow piercing” is sometimes misnomered as it can describe facial piercings along or near the forehead. There are a number of placement options depending on the type of eyebrow piercing you choose.
Bridge piercings are the first of these piercings that venture out of the forehead itself. If you follow the ridge of your eyebrow to the bridge of your nose, you will come to the location of a bridge piercing. This is a horizontal piercing with the jewels on either side of the nose, right between the eyes.
The characteristics of your face can determine if this is the right eyebrow piercing for you. The area should be sufficiently fleshy. If the skin is too tight, the piercing may shift.
As long as the safe piercing procedure is followed, eyebrow piercing is generally safe. However, there are potential risks depending on the placement. This is part of the reason why you should go to a professional piercing store for your next piercing.
When were eyebrow rings popular?
In the 1990s, eyebrow piercings seemed to be more popular among male boy bands. However, a few forward-thinking girls were ahead of their time, like TLC’s Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes.
After a resurgence of eyebrow piercings in the fashion world – aka the multiple fake piercings models wore on their eyebrows at Rodarte’s 2015 RTW show – pierced eyebrows have come back into fashion. Kirstin Maldonado of Pentatonix looks seriously cool sporting her eyebrow piercing in this recent Instagram selfie.
How do you know if your eyebrow piercing is infected?
Most people who experience a piercing rejection recover without lasting health problems. However, there can be scarring, which can range from mild to severe.
Scarring can make it difficult or impossible to get a new piercing in the same location. It can also be a cosmetic problem. People who are prone to raised scars or keloids are generally advised to avoid piercings.
Signs of infection at the site of the piercing are:
- redness
- heat to the touch
- swelling
- discharge
If the piercing was done properly and the person took care of it, the rejection may be just bad luck. Sometimes a person can experience rejection and have no problem with future piercings. People should consider the risk of rejection of another piercing before getting pierced again.
How long will my eyebrow piercing be swollen?
Eyebrow piercings can take up to three months to heal. During this time, you may experience pain or discomfort, bruising, swelling or a black eye. Your piercing may take up to three months to heal. During this time, follow-up care is very important because a shallow piercing is more likely to migrate or move than a piercing in many other areas of the body.
Complications from piercings can occur in as many as one in three people. Therefore, it is important to take proper precautions and care when getting an eyebrow piercing to protect your vision, comfort and health.
Can an eyebrow piercing last forever?
Briefly, eyebrow piercings are not permanent. They can, however, last from a few months to several years, depending on your anatomy and yourself.
If the piercing is “rejected” or “growing out”, the old layers of skin fall off and new skin cells grow under the surface to replace the flaking ones. When the piercing appears to have very little skin left, or the skin around it becomes shiny, red, peeling, or the hair stops growing, remove it (if you leave the piercing in place until it grows out completely, you may end up with a more serious scar). If you still want an eyebrow piercing, keep your jewelry and have it redone once the original piercing is closed and the eyebrow has returned to its normal appearance.
Can you wear makeup with eyebrow piercing?
If possible, avoid wearing makeup until the piercing has healed. While this may seem like an odd tip, eyebrow jewelry can easily get caught on combs. Because the skin is so fragile, the risk of tearing your new piercing is very likely and can lead to many complications, so be careful of this when you go to get your makeup done.
Using makeup during the healing period is not recommended as chemicals or foreign substances of any kind should not come in contact with your new piercing. While this can be a challenge, it is vitally important to avoid skin irritation and other problems.
Why does my eyebrow piercing keep getting crusty?
If you have just had your eyebrows pierced and you start to notice crusty material around the piercing site, don’t worry. Scabbing after a piercing is completely normal. It is simply the result of your body’s healing efforts. Dead blood cells and plasma rise to the surface and dry out when exposed to air. Although completely normal, these scabs should be cleaned up carefully and thoroughly as soon as you notice them. After cleaning the site for a few weeks, you will see fewer and fewer scabs until eventually they all disappear.
This is not a one-time process. For some people, the scabs disappear in two or three weeks; for others, it may take four or five weeks.
What’s an eyebrow piercing called?
An under eye piercing is known as an anti-brow piercing. A horizontal eyebrow piercing is known as a horizontal eyebrow piercing.
An eyebrow piercing is a vertical surface piercing, in which a 12 to 18 mm needle is inserted into the lower eyebrow and exits through the top of the eyebrow to allow for the insertion of a piece of jewelry. A curved barbell is the most common piece of jewelry inserted after the piercing.
What size should my eyebrow piercing be?
There are two main barbell diameters for eyebrow piercing: 1.2mm (16G) and 1.6mm (14G) (barbell diameter).
1.2mm (16G) is the standard and most common size for eyebrow piercing. It is also the size that is usually used as the first piercing jewelry during healing.
1.2mm(16G) gives you many options for jewelry for your eyebrow piercing, from the small and discreet to something more sophisticated (diamond eyebrow piercing or gold eyebrow piercing with pendant for example).
For an elegant gold eyebrow piercing, 1.2mm (16G) is the perfect size.
Some people (often men) like to wear a thicker and larger eyebrow piercing, it is more appropriate to get a piece of jewelry with a gauge of 1.6mm (14G) in this case.
How do I keep my eyebrow piercing from rejecting?
The most important thing you can do before getting a new piercing is to research the best piercers in your area. If you are getting a surface piercing, be sure to talk to your piercer about their experience. It’s a good idea to ask what the rejection rates are for the area you want to pierce. Keep in mind that piercings can leave visible scars.
Here are some tips to reduce the risk of rejection:
- Getting a larger gauge, or width, can reduce your chances of rejection.
- Discuss with your piercer the depth of the piercing and the best jewelry size to wear during the healing period.
- Follow all follow-up instructions. Keep the site very clean and soak it in a salt water compress.
- Stay healthy, eat well and avoid stress.